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the scene in which Gandalf, say, was placed in such a position. Saruman's Journey - Chapter 19 - Uvatha_the_Horseman - The Lord of the Still it was a meritorious disobedience and worthy of praise. When Sauron thought Aragorn had the Ring, he reacted with a swift military offensive. The Ring still wants to be with its true master. Thank you! The orcs likely would have gotten to Isengard the next day or so or met Saruman on the way as he or his image was seen by Aragorn and Company on the evening of the 30th. What If SARUMAN managed to get his hands on the One Ring and how that effects all events afterwards! Seem's strange when the ring's main purpose was to rule over the rings/leaders? The thing is, that wouldn't be a simple task. It was never explained how, but the Elves found a way to block Saurons sight from their Rings. Saruman tries to master the ring, but he doesn't completely achieve such mastery. What ring of power was Saruman wearing when he took Gandalf the - Quora Many of the vague abilities listed above are also part and parcel to those abilities listed below. Saruman himself is not directly involved, and only appears again in chapter 10, The Voice of Saruman, by which time he is trapped in Orthanc. There's this passage that describes what happened after the death of his physical body: To the dismay of those that stood by, about the body of Saruman a grey mist gathered, and rising slowly to a great height like smoke from a fire, as a pale shrouded figure it loomed over the Hill. Either way, the good guys loose big. But what would have happened if things had worked out differently? So, it seems Sauron is not invincible, even with the ring, much less against it. Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, A Lord of the Rings Theory Hints Tom Bombadil Was in the Movies All Along, 10 Sci-Fi Films That Bombed At The Box Office But Became Cult Classics. And so that's what Gandalf was pretending to do, while they were actually taking the Ring to Mt. The Silmarillion says Saruman was the eldest Istari and came first. JavaScript is disabled. As Istari, they were to exhort the free peoples of the world in preparation for a possible future conflict with Sauron. Why are Suriname, Belize, and Guinea-Bissau classified as "Small Island Developing States"? My understanding of the crushingly unavoidable fate which is the history of Middle Earth says that the One Ring belongs to Sauron and no other. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Elbereth Vala Varda said: Saruman fell to darkness regardless. That he will never do now.". The Silmarillion says, In the likeness of men they appeared, old but vigorous. Only Crdan the Shipwright knew Sarumans identity. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for LEGO The Lord of the Rings Tower of Orthanc (10237) at the best online prices at eBay! The thing is, it's worth wondering what would have happened if Frodo had failed. {OT} {LOTR}What would happen if Saruman got the ring? But the Ring and all its works would have endured. Saruman would have made a tasty little morsel for Sauron. I dont find it terribly exciting that Gandalf arrived in Middle-earth and was good from the beginning (with Noris help). But maybe thats a reason why hes Saruman and not Gandalf. The Uruk-hai capture Frodo and Sam at Amon Hen, thus Saruman gains possession of the most powerful of the Rings of Power, which carries in it, a greater part of Sauron's inherent might. Their power was in preserving and healing the hurts done to the earth, and to those who were harmed by evil. They got the identity wrong, but the Stranger felt the direction about Rhn to be accurate. When Gandalf sent Frodo and the Hobbits to Bree in The Lord of the Rings' opening act, he had the fullest intent of meeting them there. So, it seems Sauron is not invincible, even with the ring, much less against it. Saruman arrived in Middle-earth midway through the Third Age, along with Gandalf and Radagast. We know that disobedience can bring ruin such as what happened with the Noldor when they disobeyed the Valar or the Army of the Dead when they disobeyed Isildur and broke their oath to fight for him. After that there is no other mention of Aragorn and the Ring together. What If Saruman Took The One Ring!?! | Middle Earth Lore We know that one of the elven rings was gifted to Gandalf. What happens next would depend on Sauron himself; whether he would seek to retake the Ring immediately; whether he would visit Saruman himself or send a lesser servant. Not true. What If SARUMAN managed to get his hands on the One Ring and how that . Eomer had no clue about rings and quests. We don't know enough about the powers of the Ring, in the hands of an ambitious wizard how it might have worked as a "devastating weapon" (Letter 246), how, as a symbol, it might in Saruman's hands have affected Sauron's servants and vassals. What Would Happen if Saruman Got the One Ring in LOTR? Two Blue Wizards went with Saruman into the East. But it will still never truly be his & he will have to continually fight to dominate it as the One Ring wants to return to its master, who cannot be banished until the Ring is destroyed. The Lord Of The Rings: 10 Ways Sauron Could Have Won - ScreenRant It would be a delicate balance. If Saruman's Uruks had been successful and he had taken possession of the One Ring, how would have things turned out differently in Middle-earth? Would Saruman have been able to defeat Sauron? Posted September 4, 2007. mysticalblues said: My roommate met someone last week that had a ring that she got in St. Thomas. He starts on a similar path as Gandalf, but his choices and hunger for power lead him to evil. What would happen if Gandalf had the ring? My understanding of the crushingly unavoidable fate which is the history of Middle Earth says that the One Ring belongs to Sauron and no other. One can imagine The first and most obvious reason Galadriel gets to hang on to her Ring - Nenya, the Ring of Water - from beginning (i.e. However, Gandalf knew that if he being an extremely powerful Maiar just like Sauron had taken the One Ring, he would become no different than the Dark Lord. Some interesting conjecture, but you're forgetting that if anyone replaced Sauron as the "master" of the One Ruling Ring, they would sever Sauron's tie to the ring and essentially reduce him to an ineffectual spirit who could no longer interact with the physical world. 2463, Saruman was appointed its leader.Even then, he had begun to sense the resurgence of Sauron and to envy and desire his power, and especially his One Ring.Coincidentally, in that same year the One Ring was found by the creature Gollum, drawing the Dark Lord closer to the conflict that would eventually prove Saruman's undoing. Meanwhile, Gandalf kept an eye on Bilbo and noticed that he was not aging. Although he never appears directly in the books and is only shown in the movies in a flashback to the War of the Last Alliance, his corruptive influence is felt nearly everywhere in Middle-Earth. Imagine that, after breaking of Fellowship, Saruman`s Uruk-Hai capture Frodo and bring him, with the ring, to Isengard. I mean, he was supposed to be powerful ANYWAY was he not? If he could obtain or recreate the One Ring for himself, he would be able to rule Middle-earth just like Sauron did. Even from afar he had an effect upon it, to make it work for its return to himself. All of Saruman's scheming nearly came to fruition in The Two Towers. Saruman knew good and well what would happen when he tried holding Gandalf. Had Isuldur done the wise thing, and pitched that sucker in the crack of doom, that would have been it. Much of Sarumans history in the Second Age is mysterious. In this scenario, Sauron likely would have recovered his Ring and covered all the lands in a second darkness. If Saruman had the ring and he learned to master it, he could rule Sauron's armies and servants as it says in The Fellowship Of The Ring. Nori even said in the finale that the Stranger was there to help. The White Wizard truly believed that he could resist both the dark lord's power and then, when in possession of it, the lure of the Ring of Power. After all, they would both want the other one's full and utter . Since the One Ring is a part of Sauron it could only ever reach its full power under Sauron's control. After his friendship with Nori, that would hurt. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. He regained his identity and seemingly his memories, but the Stranger did not say, Hi, Nori, I have a name and its Gandalf. His friendship with the adventurous Harfoot, his mannerisms, and some of his lines ring true for Gandalf the Grey. Imagine that, after breaking of Fellowship, Saruman`s Uruk-Hai capture Frodo and bring him, with the ring, to Isengard. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Blake Hawkins has written TV and movie features and recaps for CBR since March of 2021. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. He will likely go through some things, but that would mean the Gandalf we meet in the Second Age is largely the same as the Gandalf in the Third Age. Saruman wasnt an elf, or even a man. LEGO The Lord of the Rings Tower of Orthanc (10237) Already Saruman had a lust for power and even desired the One Ring for himself. This is the real reason the eagles question will never die: Its too appetizing for The Lord of the Rings fans. She's an Elf, So Has a Very Long Lifespan. The images have been re-edited so I hope you enjoy! However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. He would soon surmise Saruman didn't have the Ring and the two halflings were ringers. You must log in or register to reply here. That success would be the usual bitter victory, though, because first the new wielder of the ring would need to build his own power, and learn the mastery of the ring. He eventually became the leader of the Istari because of all of them, he had most studied the devices of Sauron of old. In other words, he learned about dark magic and Ringlore and knew the enemy the best of the Istari. Around 500 years before The Lord of the Rings, the White Council was formed in Rivendell -- a group for Middle-earth's most powerful beings to discuss Sauron.Galadriel wanted Gandalf to take the head position, but Saruman insisted that he be in charge because of his status. RELATED: The Lord of the Rings: 10 Details About Sauron's Costume You Never Noticed This incident, one of those that was invented for the film to increase tension, is an incredible missed opportunity for the minions of the Dark . Forces from Mordor and Rhun would have been sent to fight their way through Rohan, leaving Minas Tirith undefeated to the south. Saruman's Ring | The Tolkien Forum In Tolkiens work, Saruman went to Rhn, shortly after he arrived in Middle-earth, in factjust like the Stranger. Heck, the great among the Elves, or even Aragorn, were considered very credible threats by Sauron. There would have been one less Peter Jackson movie. Whats the threshold of power for a wielder of the one ring to defeat Sauron? Saruman in the Shire: how long had he been planning it? The chapter is a partly published version of a manuscript now held at the Marquette University (MSS 4/2/31-37); [1] other parts of this manuscript and a time scheme have been included in The . Sorry, memory fails me ATM. - Blake Hawkins 14h. Even some of the imagery in his scenes screams Gandalf. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Short story taking place on a toroidal planet or moon involving flying, Acidity of alcohols and basicity of amines, The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese, Replacing broken pins/legs on a DIP IC package. It seems it was a mistake for the Ring to leave Isildur. Gandalf feared the power the ring would give him. Soon (convenient term, soon) I will begin on the second volume of The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers.It consists of two 'books', The Treason of Isengard and The Ring Goes East.The first 'book' of the volume deals with the adventures of Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas as they go in search of Merry and Pippin; this puts them all in conflict with the traitorous wizard Saruman's machinations.