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I also am a cancer survivor. They will also send you to outside doctors, to prove your claim, do not miss the All of my skin peeled off but no body was interested in my problems. I need help! His last 20 years were torture for him though he fought like a warrior. So highly unlikely wed both have it. This condition, nor the degenerative joint disease I am dealing with, is covered as presumptive by the VA for the Camp Lejeune water contamination affected veterans. Why try? They do a real good job getting through all the red tape. Screw the VA and screw the United States. How do I find out about agent orange being used in Korea up by the DMZ during 1973 and 1974. My father served in the U .S. It will be at least six weeks to schedule the procedure. He was 32 years old when he died and left me with our two children, Colleen, 4 1/2 and John, 15 months old. I am a Blue water Vietnam Veteran that severed three tours off the coast of Vietnam. Plus i didnt know i had all tha hissing noises rushing air noises till i got out of service. The burn pits too were gross also! Way to go VA. What about the troops of 7th Division 2 Battalion 31st Infantry 8th Army sent to the DMZ Korea 1967 thru 68? USMC, 67-71. Chisholm said he and like-minded attorneys representing veterans who served in Thailand are winning these cases one at a time, but with detailed evidence, detailed arguments, detailed affidavits. Its a shame how they treated him once he got sick. I served in Vietnam in Long Binh and Saigon area from Nov 1966 thru Oct 1967 in the Army and had Agent Orange sprayed me many times. 45 years to get in the VA! He has to apply and use a catheter twice a day, something he expects to do for the rest of his life. Those who had served at one of the military bases in Thailand listed in the below URL and the locations at those bases identified, and experiencing any of the ailments considered possibly caused by Agent Orange (including prostate cancer) may now be eligible for VA treatment and compensation. Being exposed just doesnt stop with the military member. I find.your comment of interest as I just had spinal surgery three weeks ago (Lumbar Laminotomy L2-L5). The question I have about that is how did they determine I was eligible for and received the Viet Nam Service Medal and 3 stars and was the person who wrote the deck logs? My regret is that he was not told what could happen and suggest test to be done Secondly we need to know more about the genetic changes. The investigation did confirm use or tests in additional sites and dates in other locations. Thank you for your service!!!! Now along with other problems related to losing the prostate, I will be worrying about my bladder. Politicians carry responsibility also. Lawyers come in hot and fade like smoke on the wind after being stalled for so long by the VA. Together WE can connect veterans with their benefits by sharing this information. Our vets are used and God sees this. Among them: The Veterans Agent Orange Exposure Equity Act, the Cost of War Act, and others, including the Fairly Assessing Service-related Exposure Residual (FASTER) Presumptions Act, also dubbed the FASTER Act. I was exposes to the toxic water, ( when I say exposed, I mean drinking, cooking and bathing in it) and developed hypothyroidism in my mid 40s. Hoping the VA will do it know. Pay them. Agent Orange was the reason. He served during Vietnam war. If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, Operation Ranch Hand exposed millions of people in Southeast Asia and at least 500,000 American troops to the chemical. Updated . After that, the Agent Orange benefits coordinator became difficult to reach. Over the course of a year, we recently lost 100,000 sons, daughters, moms, and dads to drug overdoses. In an interview, Skinner recalled that he was an aircraft mechanic on F4 Phantom jets while serving in Thailand. My late husband was with the 14th combat engineers assigned to the 1st Cav. Posted at 4:58 PM, Feb 08, 2021 . Now that is just one person. I hope this article doesnt give people false hope. I assume you served in Vietnam, You need to have them check you for Parkinsons disease. I served in Desert Storm and continued serving in SWA on and off for another14 years with my last mission in 2004. Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (if it presents within one year of exposure to a degree of 10 percent disabling) Army and was later diagnosed with Diabetes, hearing loss, Parkinsons and other health conditions and according to one doctor at the VA he was exposed to Agent Orange. Is it possible that affects of agent orange were passed to him? To enter and activate the submenu links, hit the down arrow. I tried to respond to you twice, but they wont accept my posts for some reason. He has a number of health issues. I was born 10 months after my father returned and I am plagued with these issues. Boozman, Tester Fight for Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange During Service in Thailand. While I am here I am 100 % pt, I am lucky I guess it took only 8 months for my receiving Call the number on your letter. So besides having survived Vietnam, there was Aniston. i have contacted attorneys to fight for me. Good to know that maybe in another 20 or 25 years they might actually get off their butts and help us too. Lack of a presumption of herbicide exposure does not prevent veterans from demonstrating through competent evidence that they were exposed to herbicidal agents and that such exposure is sufficiently related to a current disability to warrant disability compensation.. I would love to see the number of cases where the applicant has died before their case has been resolved. Any Veteran who is contaminated on the Job regardless of timeframe deserves help. Sen. How do I start a claim? Always wondered if the bullet in his leg had something to do with developing cancer. I served in Thailand at the end of the war as a crew chief on F-4s. VAs review supports initiation of rulemaking to address the role that particulate matter pollution plays in generating chronic respiratory conditions, which may include asthma, rhinitis and sinusitis for Veterans who served in the Southwest Asia theater of operations during the Persian Gulf War and/or after September 19, 2001, or in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan during the Persian Gulf War. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. The VA took his money back, told me he was dead and wouldnt need a check anyway and his children could not receive anything from his estate nor file for compensation. I am a combat vet and 100% rated and served 38 years, but priorities are better at Medi Cal. Doctors say I have many ailments from AO exposure. But the VA says, sorry no claim in your 1st year out, too bad. How about those of us that served in Okinawa and were exposed to AO on the boats that were sent from Vietnam for repairs? I have only 50% due to diabetes and diabetic neuropathic . Im a diabetic, I have high blood pressure. I have applied twice, failed the breathing test and still been denied benefits, that were promised to me at discharge then taken away by a grateful government. No other family member has this condition. Cant find any records of Decontamination of Aircraft but i was in close contact, Launching, Recovering & Securing these helos after either IN COUNTRY or SHORE RESCUES. This is from a person who has zero family history of hypothyroidism. Can I file a claim now. This in my opinion is a major problem. My electronics van had inch thick dust in it and all kinds of Vietnam paraphernalia hidden away on it. Prostate Cancer has a military lookup feature, and there is a website called During 2020-2021, VA and DoD updated the list of locations based on new information to several locations in the U.S. and oversees, including Thailand, Korea, and . Have never been able to figure out who he was :-( Good luck! Apply 5 times. Its on the VAs own list of bases. BREAKING: VA plans expansion of benefits for disability claims for Benefits are not necessary at this point for us. Claims being denied and many of us are suffering and are dieing! The VA did well with him in his final years. He suffered pneumonia in January 2012 and was hospitalized for nearly 2 weeks, part of that in ICU. They called me in for tests numerous times and had me interviewed by a psychiatrist, but other than that I never saw a doctor at the VA. Several months passed and I received a litter from the VA in which a doctor stated that he had examined me and found no diabetes or heart disease. I had such a bad case of PTSD starting in 1969, I spent 6 weeks in a Navy mental ward at Millington NAS. God bless you!!! 2. My husband served in Viet Nam and has several disabilities related to agent orange. What about those of us Vietnam era vets that served on stateside bases such as Ft Gordon ga? The military even put up signs advising us not to go outside when the agent was being sprayed. Luckily I dont seem to have symptoms but always wondered about Agent Orange being used there during that time. I spent a lot of time in those training areas and it would certainly explain my diabetes and kidney disease with no family history of either. The V.A. There are a couple of things that come to mind that you could try. See my reply to Paula where I mention the DNA effects that can be inherited by our children born after the exposure. Good luck everyone getting what you deserve. I filed a claim with VA and was turned down. Many of the diseases posted by the VA as AO exposure have numerous I have had what they call jungle rot on my feet and hands that comes and goes. I have had tumors removed and strange skin problems. My father recently passed but was %100 sec connected whatever that means. Sen. Sherrod Brown supports theThailand Veterans Toxic Exposure Act, a version of which was included in the Senate Veterans Affairs Committees toxic exposure bill reported out of committee in May. When I put in for it in Topeka Kansas I was told I could not collect until the Navies law suit was completely processed. Im currently receiving a 20% rating for surgeries related to recurring shoulder dislocations while attending cliff assault school, boxing in smokers, and playing various sports for Marine units while stationed in Twenty-Nine Palms and Camp Foster, Okinawa. ABF3 USS HORNET (CVS-12). Who has those, certainly not the individual service person. Do I need to have my VSO file a claim or does the fact that I had it when I had my Agent Orange exam suffice? So good luck to all who are still fighting the fight. The base I was assigned to refueled C-130s with Agent Orange and it was used to control our foliage. Visit, This will take you to the MyHealtheVet website, This will take you to the Suicide Prevention website, This will take you to the VA Find a Form page, This will take you to the VA Publications page, BREAKING: VA plans expansion of benefits for disability claims for conditions related to certain toxic exposures, William M. Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, Nehmer v. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Airborne Hazards and Burn Pit Exposures Public Health,,, Therapy staff arranges concert ticket for stroke victim, VA releases dashboard to measure the PACT Acts impact on Veterans and survivors, Emergence delirium: Potentially dangerous condition when a patient awakens from a procedure, Call TTY if you They knew in advance the water was contaminated and allowed us to drink it, bathe in it, swim, buffaloes it and even transport it on ships headed out to Mediterranean. If you did not file a claim in 2010, you need to file a claim for disability benefits. They (the VA) dont give you a definition of what the perimeter is, Harmon said. There should be a 1-800-827-1000 number or something similar. I have also had half my stomach and 8 inches small intestine removed for Carcinoid Cancer, VA says it was not caused by AO. Also contact your federal congressional Rep. in Washington and inform his office of your issue. I am dealing with bladder cancer that was most likely caused by herbicides/AO sprayed on the perimeter, work areas and around the runway/taxiway and along the perimeter fence 50 feet from my barracks at Udorn RTAFB. Do it ASAP as Im sure many will be doing the same,, GOOD LUCK!!! H.R.2569 - Veterans Agent Orange Exposure Equity Act 117th Congress (2021-2022) Bill Hide Overview More on This Bill Constitutional Authority Statement CBO Cost Estimates [0] Subject Policy Area: Armed Forces and National Security View subjects Summary (1) Text (1) Actions (3) Titles (2) Amendments (0) Cosponsors (14) Committees (1) I am proud to join Rep. Cartwright in introducing legislation that will ensure our Vietnam War veterans who served in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia receive the care they deserve now, and I urge my colleagues in Congress to work across the aisle to support these men and women who have sacrificed so much for our country," Fitzpatrick said in a statement. The calculation requires three digits but the field size only shows two digits! Each disease is rated from 5% to 100%, then I was around agent orange. most va employees NEVER served in the military !!! Go to DAV or VA.GOV search fir VSO( veteran service officer) and have them submit another claim immediately. So many of us has been through the process without any results. The VA is merely following whats in the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and Public Law when handing down ratings decisions. Yeah As a BT we used gallons of Toulene No respirator Had oil tank overflow on to mess deck about 1 inch deep. Well Im still kicking. Curious about soldiers that worked on jets, etc. My dad served in Vietnam. VA kept telling him he had to PROVE he was unemployable at the age of 63 when he had already retired and was on Social Security because he didnt have the stamina to hold a job. My husband passed 10 years ago from bladder cancer as well. GOONIE BIRDS got better treatment! in 2005 he had open heart surgery. If you have a copy of his DD214 and / or know the unit he was in you have a starting point. I submitted my claim in 2008 after being called to the VAMC to be placed on the registry. I am a Vietnam vet who is diabetic and I have ischemic heart disease, both of which are presumptive for Vietnam. 1968-70, then back on Okinawa 1970-72. Already at 90% due to Agent Orange related exposure. Funny thing is the chemical being sprayed one could actually see with no problems. I didnt realize I could or should. Often fence lines were sprayed to kill vegetation that may have hid the presence of enemy soldiers. If he won it, then you are entitled to his compensation although it will be much less $ than what he would have received. Im a 5x bladder cancer survivor thanks to our lovely government exposing so many of us to god knows what. He has heart problems, diabetes, neuropathy. A few years later they said oh yeah well give you hearing aides but your not service connected. We were supposed to die off and father time is working overtime isnt it. It only affects less than 1% of the population. I know Im not alone. I lost my fater 4 years ago to the toxic water at camp Lejeune. Many people here were exposed to toxins after 9/11. For anyone that has questions about a claim, or their eligibility for VA benefits, you should reach out to your local VSO. This AO affected my circulatory system (heart), lungs (everything hits my lungs first), and other issues starting in my early 30s. I served as an infantryman during the same period. Every claim submission needs to provide three things: a current medical diagnosis; evidence of an event/injury/medical condition in the Vets service medical records; and a nexus from a doctor linking the former to the latter. Recent changes in both blue and brown water sites should apply to your husbands service. Im diabetic, have had two heart attacks, bladder cancer, and numerous other afflictions. I remember making small cooking fire for my Campbells Cream of Chicken soup (a Red Cross package, where my Halazone treated water turned it blue), breathing the smoke. I was also told that because I was able to raise my extremely arthritic arms over my head that I should be fortunate that the VA doesnt take away my disability benefits altogether. BenefitsHealthNews ReleasesSecretary's PrioritiesTop Stories. He was informed that they were currently without the manpower to review these claims. I served at KADENA AFB on Okinawa from 1970 until 1972. Over two years in one place. For more information, visit our website at Airborne Hazards and Burn Pit Exposures Public Health. What happed to all of us poisoned at Marine Corps base Camp Lejeune NC? Good luck and God bless you. Millions are suffering from mental illness, exacerbated by the pandemic. Every sickness he had was documented in his medical records stating the main cause was due to Agent Orange and Other Health Factors. I have several of the diseases mentioned due to exposure, The V.A. He passed in April of 2019 due to complications from his surgery. The area that I lived in was with the Philippians off base in a jungle area, which was sprayed with a chemical to control the growth of the jungle out side of our barracks. It took several days to call me back. Agent Orange exposure and VA disability compensation Agent Orange was a tactical herbicide the U.S. military used to clear leaves and vegetation for military operations mainly during the Vietnam War. Submit the claim i was moving a 55 gallon drum of that stuff and it wasted all over my lower body and my supervisor told me to go take a long hot shower and bag all of my clothes and return them to him he would get me some new ones, never to tell me that it was harmful i went back out to the bombdump where i was temporary assigned and read the drums and saw it was herberside i filed and fielded for agent orange but was told not service connected now i have hypothyroidism and Parkinsonism alone with i had to have my prostate removed for i had prostate cancer. right people at veterans affairs for you. Maybe the mindset at the VA is to defer as long as possible and let time run out for a large number of us. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recently added three more presumptive conditions related to Agent Orange exposure bladder cancer, hypothyroidism and Parkinsonism which has the potential to impact many Vietnam veterans who were exposed to the tactical herbicide. When I called the VA, I was told that this was not related to exposure of Agent Orange. I finally got FULL VA bendfits 45 years later only because I met a VET in Allentown, pa area and he GUIDED my through the process and actually took me to the Allentown VA and showed me where to go and what to expect when I had to see the PROFESSIONALS. He is now 100% covered and we are seeing good results from the VA and their care for him. Already showing problems, and cancer would certainly be the worst. Some men are so sick they might not be capable of having the clarity of mind to fight for their rights. Worst of all I now find out the bubblers we consumed water from in our hangers were polluted. In 2009 I had colon cancer surgery. Please help us! Given the ventilation systems used, any contamination that became airborne was pumped into the ships. He battled with many service connected medical/neurological issues including Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) until he died in 2017. Im not convinced the toxic exposure will ever be gone. Souds like EVERYTHING is denied so why do anything!!!!!??????????? This check was blood tests and 20 minutes with the Doctor who was more interested in possible PSTD than anything. I have applied for agent orange compensation nearly two years ago. I guess the VA is waiting for me to check out completely. VA presumes (assumes) exposure to Agent Orange for Veterans who served on any U.S. or Royal Thai military base in Thailandfrom January 9, 1962, throughJune 30, 1976. Im in pain everyday now, had 3 amputations, and not given any pain meds because it could be habit forming! Good luck and thank you for your service! We were stationed at McLellan in 69. Operation Ranch Hand. I came into contact with Agent Orange when footage was burned off in the northern parts of the island. I dont know if it was specific to Dong Ha. A large group of now grown children swapping stories and advocating for change. I WAS AT THE ABERDEEN PROVING GROUNDS AS A TEST VETERAN AND WAS PROMISED MEDICAL CARE IF ANY THING WENT WRONG. My buddy was Merle Stinger and he is missed GREATLY! Hes fought for this PARKINSONS knowing full well it came from what he was exposed to in Vietnam. My late husband was. You were boots on ground during the required times. Aside thought it would go away as it did some times at night after battle .talk to me V A . V.A. Some Veterans pay all at once while others pay over a lifetime. Im an Anniston vet. Jun 2, 2021 / 06:29 PM EDT. My husband applied years ago and was denied he served in the Korean War and two tours in Vietnam and was based at Camp Lejeune for several years. The person who told me to get copies of the VA Ordered DBQ stated that he fought with VA for more than twelve years before winning, I only applied two years ago and knew not, that I would have to fight like this in order to get what I feel that I am entitled too. Agent Orange in Thailand - Hill & Ponton, P.A. Thank god I covered my head with my Fatigue shirt. We applied for benefits for ptsd also. VA says Prove it. has never reviewed my case as of June 2021. I was in Vietnam during the year 1970. Both of my brothers were born before my father was deployed and have no serious medical issues and are about as healthy as you can be. A deceased buddy of mine was stationed on Guam. What about glioblastoma brain? PDF Issue Brief: Agent Orange in Thailand During Vietnam Era - Dav Good Luck! Sorry, but I dont have the time or ability to bear the burden of responsibility when it comes to proving this issue. This is not a judgement call. He is possibly having to go to nursing home because of my health, and only has 10%disability for tinnitus. The planes were routinely decontaminated after they landed on the carriers. They took away my health and my youth and replaced it with an endless routine of jumping through hoops to get basic healthcare needs, and now, as my body rapidly deteriorates, I will be forced to keep working until I die, which wont be soon enough. I have a Bladder condition for the last 21 years it was not cancer but I was at U-Tapao Thailand from Jan. 1975-March 1976? I wish I live near you so we help each other out to ease the stress! After many years of dealing with the VA in Iowa City, I got him in to Danville, Illinois VA. VA will be publishing the PACT Act Performance Dashboard every other Friday to measure the implementation of PACT Act and showcase its impact on Veterans and survivors. Contact a VSO officer. It is not a hereditary cancer. Text - H.R.2569 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Veterans Agent Orange I looked up, followed and had much respect for older folks, especially veterans and the advice they have given me. I served in Vietnam 66-67 a grunt with the 1st Infantry Division I have intestrial lung disease/pulmonary fibrosis these are not considered related to agent orange exposure which is toxic so Im not eligible for disability and it should be you have to get lung cancer to get benefits. I have not been able to secure ANY Squadron Flight Logs either. I dont know dates ir anything and sadly my mother passed a few months back and I have no other family to ask. I feel like Charlie Brown kicking his football and our government is Lucy and like Lucy our government will pull the rug out from all of us. Jul 11, 2016 THAILAND, AGENT ORANGE; Jul 5, 2016 RANGE-OF-MOTION TESTING REQUIREMENTS; June 2016 Jun 10, 2016 . Smfh!! I believe the airmen who were stationed in Anderson AFB in Guam were also exposed to Agent Orange. An official website of theU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Looking for U.S. government information and services? File a claim at My own was agent orange exposure which the VA acknowledges, yet say has nothing to do with my tremors, and they tell ME to prove it does. So, just because youre not a veteran doesnt mean Agent Orange didnt effect you. My husband did 2 tours in Vietnam and we were in the process of trying to see if he qualified for disability at but he died before we got to far along. Hows that for depression. Veterans are STILL battling a war, this war with their own government. So much for all those people and ads saying welcome home. Today I live with one lung because of my exposure to AGENT ORANGE. Not one time has anyone at the VA offered to help me with claims or appeals for any of these issues. He lost his battle with Cancer September 2002 as his widow what can I do to see if I am eligible for his agent orange benefits? Key word is ( could cause ) which means the government can not proof that agent orange can not contribute to COPD and other respiratory diseases. The Victims of Agent Orange the U.S. Has Never Acknowledged Removing that burden helps veterans avoid having to file that additional paperwork. So it certainly seems like Agent Orange was in his system all those years before Parkinsons. Or is it 500 feet? U.S., South Korea to revive large-scale military drills amid North Korea threat, Deadly storms leave more than a million without power as weather system moves east, Judge sentences Alex Murdaugh to life in prison without parole. I could go on and on. My husband died from gastric cancer and according to the appeals board so did many other Viet Nam Vets. He served in Vietnam in the Army from 1967 -1968. I was in VN 1968-69 , I have my bladder removed and prostate around 2002 at Palo Alto VA hospital in California ,all by cancer. Visit the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs Office. VA Adds Atypical Parkinsonism to List of Agent Orange-linked Illnesses I quit going to the VA for anything!!!! Veterans who served in Thailand have long contended they face a higher bar in winning Veterans Administration (VA) disability benefits claims, having to clearly demonstrate they were exposed to. Migrant woman dies after U.S. Coast Guard stops vessel carrying 54. If you are a Veteran in crisis Where is the bottleneck and why is it there? I had no idea the Government was actually compensating servicemen exposed to such danger. 74 yrs of age. My lawyers quit the case. I am now having all kinds of health/medical problems. My husband had Lewy Body Dementia for twelve years that we know of and then had Parkinsons the last three years of his life. Put in claim many years ago when bladder cancer became presumptive. The Veterans Agent Orange Exposure Equity Act, introduced by Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Penn., and Rep. Matt Cartwright, D-Penn., would allow veterans who served in some other countries during the conflict to access benefits without providing additional evidence. I have been hearing stories of other children coming down with CML of exposed Vietnam Vets. The Army vet in charge of looking into increasing disability claims pretty much told me to take a hike regarding the toxic water situation. My claim with the VA was denied for compensation of the medical bills I had to pay out of pocket. Is there a link between Skin Cancer and Agent Orange? My poor wife is growing old befor her time as she struggles to keep up with my medical bills and having to tap into our meager savings in order to pay for personal care providers not covered by either the VA or Medicare. I do believe that those who RUN / ruin the VA truly dont care and are pencil pushers who are only there for that government paycheck. He deserves something for his suffering and death related to his exposure while in Korea! VA will send letters to impacted Veterans and survivors. I served on a PBR river boat on the mekong in 1971. So it came as no surprise in around 2015 when the VA decided that it was not going to service-connect disabilities to alleged Agent Orange and tactical herbicide exposures in Thailand without the "blessing" of this mysterious little government unit known as the "JSRRC.". VA Adds Bladder Cancer as Potential Effect of Agent Orange Exposure One of their doctors lied and stated that he had examined me and found no problems related to Agent Orange. And as I didnt know then and only got a clue in 1987 well I was screened for agent orange I have been expected to prove that peripheral neuropathy was from my time in that country. 2 [Discussion Draft] 1 SEC. I have just about giving up on them. Pancreatic Cancer 25 years ago at only 68 years old! Why doesnt the VA recognize those of us who served in Thailand. I believe I might get something after I am dead. I am disappointed ive been fighting for my dad benefits only to be told no one can help me. He did not receive any type of compensation. WASHINGTON - The Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee advanced legislation introduced by U.S. Charles, During the daily exposure of ground hull bare nonskid surface, we were subject to a daily cloud of toxic particulate matter with only minimal safety protection. He stated that they used Agent Orange several times while they were in Korea. My brother, who was a chopper pilot for the Army in all of the Sand Box regions, has been riddled with cancer for several years now due to benzene and other additives they put in the jet fuel to help make it more stable.