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After they no longer hear Tyler, Stefan and Elena run into the lab after Bonnie's screams of help where they are stunned to find an unconscious April, Stefan feeds her his blood to heal her and forces Bonnie to get herself and April out of the school. They are hoping that Damon will carry out a plan to kill Silas because Qetsiyah has threatened the life of Elena. Stefan tells Elena that Forbes is suffering from a cancerous tumor and it sends her into shock and concern for her friend. Enzo tells to Stefan and Caroline that they will find another doppelgnger of Stefan and that he don't know the Traveler lore, he also says that the last remaining pair of doppelgngers are special. Stefan and Elena are walking along a desolate road, trying to make their way back to Mystic Falls. As things begin to spiral out of control, Stefan was unexpectedly killed by Julian, a Traveler warlock, while trying to protect Caroline, but he was resurrected after Damon, Caroline and Elena's plan to bring him back from the Other Side is a success. The two girls get the information about Katherine and leave with his car. When a human gets ravenously hungry, they eat a double cheeseburger but they kill people and that's just who they are. Stefan was also seen to be ambitious and studious and he desired to become a doctor during his human life and this was his profession or career of choice before he was turned into a vampire against his will. Valerie clears up that notion quickly. Stefan goes to where all Klaus' family members coffins are held, and almost opens one before Rebekah comes in. Stefan can be very wise and comforting to others and people can always depend on Stefan. Stefan puts a jacket on her and while they talk, the house starts to rumble and he is then yanked backward by an invisible force and flies out of the house through the nearby window. Stefan explains that Silas wants to die and be reunited with his one true love, but he's also supernatural so if he takes the cure and dies he'll be stuck on the other side. Stefan panics and goes into a frenzy, crying, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." Stefan says he wants to have dinner with Caroline that night. He was born and raised in the town of Mystic Falls and had just moved back to town, where he lives with his nephew Zach in the Salvatore Boarding House. Later when it's revealed that Stefan has another living relative Sarah Nelson (who was born as Sarah Salvatore), Enzo tries to use the information as leverage before Stefan shoots down his hopes of it ruining his relationship with Damon. Stefan finally lets go of his anger and comforts her before he asks her to go somewhere with him. In the meantime Rebekah and Damon are attacked by Vaughn and manage to overpower him while Bonnie is talking with Shane (who is actually Silas pretending to be Shane) who is trying to convince her that there is a way to bring Jeremy back to life. When he awakens his emotions immediately turn back on and he feels the full weight of everything he did while his emotions were off, filling him with immense guilt. She didn't think she was ready to go on her own, but her mom knew she was. After Katherine's "death", Damon swore to make Stefan's life miserable and ultimately succeeded in 1912 by making him lose control of himself fifty years later. He says that he just wants to see her. Later Elena rang Stefan and said "Stefan, don't you dare tell me that you shut it off!" Later, when he's drinking, Qetsiyah comes and joins him, but Stefan can't recognize her because of his memory loss, but Qetsiyah reminds him who she is. Stefan had also briefly displayed much more dismissive and almost callous behavior towards the victims he had supposedly murdered in the past since he was unable to feel sorry for things he couldn't remember. Elena tells him that's not true and that he was dragged through hell but he came out the other side. He is later seen with Elena, protecting her, as John falls down the stairs, dead. Later, Elena arrives at the cabin where Stefan is, she is worried about him because she believes he has been sleeping with Qetsiyah. Title(s) Stefan is the brother of Damon, also a vampire, and their relationship is rather contentious. An unseen person removes the chains and the lock that bind Stefan to the table. Damon says that they'll do whatever they have to do-he'll throw Rebekah under a school bus and wrap Elena in a burlap sack. Elena goes to him and says that everything will be okay and that he doesn't need to cry. They are talking but they are interrupted by Damon taking Stefan. Later, Stefan visits Alaric. Elena protests immediately, and Rebekah begins to laugh, saying it would be far too easy, and that she refuses to make Stefan forget Elena, the way Klaus made him forget her. She says to them that Liv is trying to kill them. Afterwards, Stefan convinces Bonnie to create a lapis ring for Caroline and begins to teach her how to live on the animal diet. Caroline told Elena about Ivy, but doesn't know she's dead. Stefan is surprised by this. When Wes is about to inject a substance into Elena, Elena hears Stefan's voice and stops him, Stefan arrives and frees to Elena pulling her out of the lab. Rebekah then moves onto finding out about the cure, and Stefan tells her where they can find Professor Shane. Caroline says that Elena wouldn't come back to them because she lost everyone she cares about. Katherine disputed this and insisted both of their feelings were genuine, she had only compelled him to not be scared of her. Although Stefan was only a 17 year old teenager, Stefan appeared to look much older than his actual age because of the fashion at the time. Stefan had all the typical weaknesses of a human/doppelgnger. Now Stefan is continuing to teach Lily to drive and she asks if there is anything else Stefan would like to know. But Damon decides to kill Qetsiyah, but she is able to knock him out. In the novels, Stefan is born in Italy and is foreign with an Italian accent at the beginning of the series. Otherwise, I don't need to know, I don't want to know.". Elena responds that Katherine has killed her brother which was unknown to Elijah. A flashback shows Stefan, dressed in his war uniform rehearsing lines to Lexi which to say to his brother. During the graduation Stefan talks to Alaric about Damon not having much time left until the werewolf venom kills him and Damon doesn't want the cure, he wants it for Elena. Stefan tells Damon that Alaric is going to kill him when he finds out that Damon compelled him. Stefan tells Connor to run and pins Damon to the wall, but Damon quickly overpowers him and plunges his fist into Stefan's chest, refusing to relent until Stefan reveals what he's up to with Klaus. She states that she doesn't understand why is he so concerned on whom does she feed or who she kills. On the camera screen, he sees Rayna and then runs, while she throws her sword at him. He's a little preoccupied with Enzo, who followed him and discovered his secret. Stefan was the youngest child of Giuseppe Salvatore and Lillian Salvatore. Family information Elena rushed towards the door and out and when Brady came out in pursuit, Stefan pulled his heart out, literally. Stefan was also highly honorable, noble, brave, courageous, altruistic, and selfless, especially when it comes to the people he loves and cares about. They'll both help her and then he'll use the sire bond to bring her back. In a selfless move, Stefan sacrificed himself so that his brother Damon (Ian Somerhalder) could have his happily ever after with Elena (Nina Dobrev). In a flashback to 1863, Stefan is writing in his journal at a fair when he meets Valerie Tulle for the first time. Stefan has jet black, wavy hair and emerald green eyes in the book series. Stefan tells Damon he thinks he was wrong, he definitely feels something for Caroline. So the cure ends up at the original family-Elijah and Rebekah go back to Mystic Falls. She begs him to stay, but he walks away. She tries to calm Stefan but he asks if she has bags of blood, she says that she has some in the car but then Stefan disappears. In I Went to the Woods, Stefan is in the body of Marty Hammond who is human and an alcoholic. He's seen at the grill later with Caroline wanting to celebrate getting rid of Silas and he says the he's not in the mood to celebrate, because he thought that there was someone he was going to see but he didn't, Lexi Branson shows up behind him and says that he better meant her and he looks to find his best friend standing next to him, he gets up and hugs her and Lexi thanks Caroline for keeping an eye on Stefan, the two are seen walking and Stefan told Lexi that Elena punched him and laughs and he asks her that she's been back for five minutes and she's already laughing at him and Lexi says that she's been laughing at him for a while but he couldn't see her and Stefan said that he missed Lexi and she says that sees that she has replaced but another blonde Lexi says that she's "cute" Stefan asks not to start. Stefan is seven years younger than Damon. Caroline gasps as his skin starts to desiccate, before Stefan falls to the pavement; dead. Matt comes in and says that they tracked Rayna and that it is a little late to turn back. Initially, Damon Salvatore filled the passionate and angsty role of the "Other Guy" in every triangle. It was then that Stefan miraculously saved Elena's life, but was unable to save Elena's parents, Grayson and Miranda, who did not survive the tragedy. He then gets a phone call from Elena who asks him if there's hope, but he tells her, he can't find anything and that she should move on. Stefan's scar had reopened that morning. He threatens to drive Elena off Wickery Bridge unless he calls them off. But then he became addicted to human blood, and drank it behind Elena's back. Stefan tells him to fix whatever is going on with him and Elena. Before Nadia has a chance to read it, Stefan discovers the note. Caroline points out that Elena must know that the younger Gilbert is not going to wake up. Later, Stefan is with the others in the room of his house Salvatore's and Nadia is dying there, they're hoping that Katherine appears and she does. Stefan comforts her and tells her, "You have me. That's probably why she stole the cure-she wants to bargain it for her freedom. Caroline asks him where is the antidote and Enzo nods and a group of Travelers disperse through the stockyard. This caused him to display clear differences from who he was with memories albeit briefly. He then becomes concerned when Damon reveals that he undaggered one of the Originals. He then chants a spell making himself disappear. He then asks her if she knows anything about the missing blood bags from the hospital but Elena says that right now she's sick of blood bags and she prefers something a little warmer. Rebekah interrupts to say that it was not just any weapon, but Klaus tells her to not get ahead of the story. Stefan responds that he was a psychotic killer with no emotions back then and Rebekah disagrees by saying that he might have been a killer, but he wasn't emotionless, to which Stefan admits that he really did have fun. While talking to Elena, Stefan was distracted when he smelled blood from Caroline's victim. Damon is Stefan's older brother. Deceased (Found Peace on March 8, 2018) Through this, they have proven just how far their relationship has grown from their violent past. It is unknown if Katherine had compelled Stefan to forget after she had bitten him. He managed to pull two people off of the bus when responsive cars drive towards him. Canonically, Stefan has been shown to be a. Stefan has been forced or was willing to become the Ripper the last three times: Stefan and Damon's brotherhood and relationship is often compared to and mirrors Klaus and Elijah's relationship. Sheriff Forbes has given them the name of the town where the original sister and Elena have went to find Katherine. He was clearly frightened of her, saying that her face resembled that of a demon and also told her to get away from him. Stefan eventually met Rebekah's older half-brother, Nik. Back at the boarding house, Stefan and Elena are getting hot and heavy in Stefan's room, and they make out until suddenly Elena starts to hallucinate that Stefan is Damon. Elena was screaming through the phone telling Stefan not to do it, however, Stefan responded with "bring me back" and closed his eyes, turning off his humanity. Everyone takes their seats and the wedding begins. Instead, she drove Stefan to the ground and turned out to be another, much older vampire by the name of Alexia Branson. Elena, distracted by the bomb blast, looks up to find Jeremy; Connor takes advantage and overpowers her. They then planned a course of action to get around the guards who were on watch for the vampires, and eventually made it to the cage where Katherine was being held captive. Rayna is in the chair across from him, telling him that she is exhausted. Stefan and Lexi head to the Grill to find Alaric, but still see no sign of him. Stefan is reunited with the others in the room and he was upset that they are celebrating the death of Katherine, Damon invites you to celebrate too and he takes a drink, but he reminds them of all the bad things that have happened in her life, Damon taunts of him and reveals that Stefan slept with Katherine, everyone is surprised especially Elena. It turns out that Stefan has begged her to do that as they've heard how reckless the elder Salvatore has become. Lying on the ground, Damon asks what that was for, but Stefan merely responds, "You know what," referring to Damon letting Elena feed on him, and he leaves. Elena catches them and seems very upset. When Stefan lets his blood lust take over, (this was because unlike his older brother Damon, Stefan never learned how to control, his thirst for human blood), he often shuts off his humanity and his emotions to block out his suffering, guilt and pain. In the present Stefan reaches to pull Elena out but she refuses and motions for him to save Matt first. He however sees that there's also something else-Elena has turned off her humanity and he asks why. Stefan is seven years younger than his brother Damon. Stefan arrives in Fells Church and enrolls as a high school student at Robert E. Lee High School in order to blend in like a regular 17-year-old human teenager (even though Stefan is really 500+ years old). He then told Stefan that he had tricked Stefan and had put vervain in his drink after Stefan had asked his father how he knew about Katherine and other vampires existing because "he did not raise his sons to be so weak. Damon tells him that he was right, Elena is sired and Damon holds up a photo Stefan realizes of being from New Orleans in 1942. In All My Children, Elena calls Stefan but he declines to answer, an emotionally pained expression on his face. Unable to move he has to lie on the ground together with a tied up Elena. He . He then hears Elena's voice saying he is not there revealing that Silas had now taken Elena's face. Stefan and Elena resume walking along the road. In The Birthday, Stefan and Klaus are in Tennessee. After Stefan, Elena and Rebekah escape and are let free, Stefan then uses his blood to heal Matt after Damon had bitten him. He was in the car with his sister Elena. Stefan then rushes into the house when the out of control Jeremy attempts to stake Elena and pulls the stake from her neck. In True Lies, Stefan is still hallucinating. After Beau stops the pain, Lily wonders about the deal that was made and Stefan remains oblivious to Malcolm's death until Lily tells him. Klaus tells him that he is Elena's better option and says "Personally I think she is wasting her time with Damon." The Original sister also wakes up and starts arguing with her brother. She tells him she's just passing through town. Lily tells him that Julian is nothing like Stefan's father. Stefan rips apart Alaric's engine to lure Tripp in to grab him. When Stefan was at his best, he was extremely caring, loving, helpful, understanding, selfless, empathetic, and compassionate. He adds that nothing ever changes and it has to stop. In Christmas Through Your Eyes, Stefan's hand is forced when he has to be the bearer of devastating news to Caroline. He was best friends with Lexi Branson until her death (now reunited in death), and eventually became best friends and married to Caroline Forbes. Stefan wants him to compel Ivy to pull it together and go live a normal life somewhere without him. Vaughn then wake up and Damon gives him the cure, with Stefan asking what he is doing Damon tells him that he is going to dig up Silas and calls for Vaughn as he leaves. At the Grill, after the funeral, Stefan compliments Damon on his eulogy, stating that he remembers failing Stefan by not doing their mother's eulogy and he didn't want to fail anyone. Stefan tries to stop him but Damon just waves him with which he says that Stefan needs to stay away. Damon says that everything she says is a lie and that this isn't even her house, because it doesn't look like her. This is later found to be false. She complies, then they have a make out session that leads to more. He in turn saw the necklace and picked it up, observing it carefully.