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I hope it remains a difficult and raw walking trail for self sufficient hikers. We reached Mobbs Swamp in the late afternoon, and surprisingly enough Would you like to do this hike with an experienced guide? At a large clearing about 1km on to the tops, the trail divides, and becomes narrower. on the right ridge, but backtracking because they thought they had the Please enable javascript to access the full functionality of this site, View full screen This has been a big help to drive the final nail Into my navigation planning! In 1984 I walked the section from the Coxs River to Kanangra Walls and by 1985 I had completed the remaining section between Katoomba and the Coxs River. along the way, and so didn't have to organise our own car shuffle. I aim to pass on my skills and knowledge using a practical and inclusive teaching style. The track wound along a knife edge ridge, gently undulating and with fabulous views either side. Next, you'll make your way to see the breathtaking Kanangra-Boyd lookout, which gives you sweeping views of the Kanangra Walls and Mount Cloudmaker. You will then receive a full information pack containing everything you need to know to prepare for and attend the trip. fell outside. Play. inventively named Mt High and Mighty, Mt Stormbreaker, Rip, Rack, Roar and We quickly put up tents and then scattered in all directions, some having a swim in the river, and some sussing out Gingra Creek and some getting the fire going and drinking cups of tea! 13.2km Kanangra Walls to Dexs Creek (via Mt Cloudmaker) . Today there would scarcely be a peak, ridge, spur or valley visible from any vantage point along the entire route that I have not personally been to. This is a steep climb to start with but eases off, passing through pleasant open forest. Mobbs Swamp is on the south side of Warrigal Gully, at the head of the creek, and is reached after a steady downhill on the track. Its a good idea to let someone know where youre going and when you plan to return. The national park forms part of the Great Dividing Range. We follow the fire trail along the top of this plateau on Day 1. The campground provides easy access to the Kanangra-Boyd Lookout walk, which is wheelchair friendly and takes only 10 minutes to complete. wide and flat-topped, and there were no views at all to speak of. I personally enjoy a trip that has some physical and mental challenges, so the difficulties faced from some of the elevations on this trip didn't bother me at all. Join one of my informally yet professionally led and well organised expeditions in one of the most spectacular wilderness areas in New South Wales. Completely overgrown and path does not exist any more. the side of the ridge. Then there is the final up and down (but more up than down) around Rip, over Rack, around Roar and over Rumble, before you reach Mt Cloudmaker. Once on the ridge, head on the track to Mt Moorilla Maloo. Shot on Fuji Velvia ISO 50 using a Nikon F801 and an AF 24mm f2.8 lens. A short steep scramble is needed down the gully, and follow the track around and up on to Kilpatrick Causeway. For a while it was like a winter wonderland, but we soon We spent 15 minutes climbing down to a rock ledge for Topographic maps of the area to be shared 1 between 2. A classic 3-4 day hike through the heart of the southern Blue Mountains, View towards Katoomba from Kanangra Walls, showing the Gangerang Range along which the route travels, About the Kanangra to Katoomba (or Katoomba to Kanangra) Walk. The plateau slopes gently down from west to east from a height of around 1100m (3610 ft) near Mt. Kanangra to Katoomba - K2K is a 47km, grade 5 hike located in the Kanangra-Boyd National Park, New South Wales. Click the button below to review the gear list for this trip. Altitude: 1164 metres Class: Stop at the top of the steps and peer out over Kanangra Deep to Kanangra Walls, and in the distance, Mount Cloudmaker, which is often circled by mist. Length: 47km Duration: 3-4 days Grade: 5 Style: One way Start: Locked gate Kanangra-Boyd National Park End: Katoomba Station Location: Kanangra-Boyd National Park Closest town: Katoomba There are several well known landmarks in the park, such as Mount Cloudmaker, Kanangra Walls and the Thurat Spires. Reports and pictures of a walk/run from Kanangra to Katoomba, Trip report of a Kanangra to Katoomba walk with a particular focus on the flora, A brief tongue-in-cheek report of a longer Kanangra to Katoomba trip, A mostly pictorial account of a Kanangra to Katoomba trip, Tom Brennan 2002-2023 - Bushwalking NSW - Canyoning Near Sydney. Kanangra to Katoomba - Bushwalking NSW slog, but I hummed to myself the whole way up and the time passed quickly. 2WD accessible. There are a confusion of competing tracks in the area. Your food while on the hike - you need to bring your own food for the 4 day hike. It was a bit of a slow process, and not a great deal of fun. The second lookout overlooks rugged ravines at the head of the gorges and Kanangra Falls. The next morning, get an early start and navigate carefully on to the ridge leading from Carra Top to Mt Moorilla Maloo. I have to admit that I often discourage beginners to do the Kanangra walks as it tends to put some people off bushwalking (sometimes forever) and probably we should have discouraged our four beginners on this occasion; the walks are challenging (the hills seem to go on forever), but the scenery is stunning and it is relatively easy walking along lightly forested spurs and ridges. Nifty footwork is required over the rocky knolls quaintly named Rip, Rack, Roar and Rumble. 54km: 12 hours: 24 hours: K2K Leaderboard: K2K2K (K2). Katoomba to . Shuttle by car from your Katoomba accommodation to the start of the walk. Take in the magnificent scenery - the sheer sandstone cliff faces of Kanangra Walls or mist-wreathed Mount Cloudmaker - before walking down forest-lined trails to one of the park's waterfalls. Plateau Walk turns off before the main lookout and leads into the Kanangra Wilderness and onto the expansive heath-covered Kanangra Tops Plateau. I had injured my shoulder badly only a couple of weeks before, and to fall. Information submitted on this form, including any personal details, will be a matter of public record and will be stored in the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) records system. Avoid a turn off to the right to Dance Floor Cave and ascend a short climb on to the plateau proper. The trail continues along the east side of Yellow Dog Ridge to the flats below Mt Dingo. There comes a time when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it! Mount Cloudmaker (from Kanangra Walls) | Kanangra-Boyd National Park | BeyondTracks BeyondTracks BeyondTracks ExploreListMap Mount Cloudmaker (from Kanangra Walls) Kanangra-Boyd National Park 21km Distance 8hr 43min Duration 1,637m Ascent 1,637m Descent Return car Sidetracks Dance Floor Cave- Sidetrack Return| 67m - The views in this section are excellent, with the spectacular Kanangra Falls and Kalang Falls in full glory after rain, and the magnificent Thurat Spires glowing red in the morning light. Many parties have run into trouble over the years, and walkers need to be competent navigators. stores. At Mt Dingo, a well defined track branches off to the right up to the summit, and you can visit the lookout at Splendour Rock if you have the time. The hike incorporates the summit of Mt Cloudmaker, one of the famous Blue Mountains Three Peaks, and most walkers passing over this summit would sign the logbook there. By submitting this form, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information in accordance with this policy. . Kanangra Walls > Mt Cloudmaker > TiWilla Plateau > 100 Man Cave > Campagnoni Pass > Willa Butress > Kowmung > Orange Bluff > Brumby Spur > Gingra Track > Kanangra Walls. Blue Mountains nature - Conservation Wilderness - Kanangra-Boyd Wilderness Another group we bumped into was wrong one! [5], About 1,000 flowering plant species occur in the Blue Mountains, in some 40 plant communities. red spotted gum, Blakely's red gum, red stringybark and forest oak are also found. a small stream, which we filtered. For details on how to get to Kanangra Walls, see the information in the Kanangra Walls region, to the right. Kanangra-Boyd National Park - Wikipedia The skies stayed clear for us up on top, before the heavy mist once again descended to make our journey back to the Kanangra Walls carpark a misty, white-out, where the usual dramatic views of Thurat Spires and the gorge were off limits . happens to be freezing cold. File:Kanangra-Boyd lookout, Kanangra-Boyd National Park 10.jpg From Kanangra Walls, we follow the scenic ridgeline to Mt Cloudmaker and on to 100 Man Cave where we will camp for two nights enjoying the ambience of this great spot. Tom and Jonathan on the Kilpatrick Causeway above Kanangra Deep. What I Learnt Hiking K2K in a Day - We Are Explorers Let someone know before you go. Cloudmaker, 100 Man and 1000 Man Caves | Sat 05th May 2018 We eventually found the Pass and while having lunch at the top of the Pass, a Bush Club group arrived and told us about a lovely campsite at the River. the first peers over the Kanangra Creek Gorge with Mt Cloudmaker . The Boyd Plateau comprises a dome of Devonian granite intruded into Devonian quartzites and sedimentaries. . This bit of the ridge is open but steepapart from the last 50m or so to the Coxs River. You'll cross bridges and also see waterfalls on the way. Hikes in the Sydney Area - Evan Hunter Despite possessing one of the most awesome views in the Blue Mountains, few make it out here on account of the long road trip, including 30km of unsealed road. Still it was nice to finally see the car park at [5], There are several walking tracks and other sites in the park, these include the:[6], Camping is available on the banks of Morong Creek, at the Boyd River campground, located on Kanangra Road.[7]. to find the minor ridge heading for Mount Moorilla. The top of Mt Cloudmaker is covered with trees and there are no views. The leader deems that the 3 day trip is within the capabilities of all participants and and would not disadvantage any participant. Enjoy superb scenery, abundant wildlife, cycling and walking. Once on the trail the route was easy all the way to the Mount Jenolan Caves & Kanangra Walls Lookout 4WD | Backpacker Deals Kanangra Walls Craft's Wall Mt Berry Mt High and Mighty Mt Storm Breaker Rip Rack Roar and Rumble Mt Cloudmaker Dex Creek Morilla Marloo Mt Strongleg Cox's River . After a I do this by more than just taking people on organised bushwalks. If youre an armchair bushwalker, someone looking for new adventures, or one of my friends who just wants to see what Ive been up to, this site is for you, sign up to get email alerts now! We camp among the trees a little way back from the exposed rock itself. Part of the Greater Blue Mountains Area World Heritage Property, Kanangra-Boyd National Park is just 180km from Sydney. Hundred Man Cave had a good water supply when we were there, with given recent good rains, dripping from the cave into a gully. The track climbs up a cleft in the rocks, along a shale ledge on the west side, and up another cleft to a ladder which takes you up to Clear Hill at the top. putting off the 400m climb down for as long as possible. Beautiful walk on the plateau with amazing 360 degree views. Looking forward to more! Compagnoni Pass Hike in Kananga Boyd national park - We Are Explorers However, The reward for all this effort is to transect a vast swathe of the southern Blue Mountains wilderness, taking in majestic mountain scenery in the process. If requested, you will be credited for any photos you provide and can ask they be deleted at any time. Date: 10 May 2015, 11:09:20: Source: Own work: Author: Dhx1: This image was uploaded as part of Wiki Loves Earth 2016. There are a number of small campsites on both sides of the creek. From Mt Amarina it is easy walking over Kullieatha Peak, down into the saddle and around the east side of Mt Strongleg.