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Those that survive the process emerge as a member of the Exalted (believed to have been chosen by a higher power) those that dont die screaming, bodies horribly twisted and in extreme cases, even dissolving into silvery, grey goop. And of course, if magic is viewed as an alternate system of physics theres no reason why physics has to match the naive categories of intelligent beings; think of how weird quantum physics seems, for instance. Im sorry. Those who dont contain their power are simple called Unchained, with the name of their source before or after the Unchained, if you want to designate it further. There are roughly two magic systems. Anyway, before I get onto the reply for this comment, Ill briefly reply to your other comment (the one which mentioned an alternate magic system for Harry Potter at the end, which I couldnt reply to in that comment thread). In most, if not all movies, there clearly arent rules for magic, or if there are, there arent many. Some of them, such as the Breath Weapons have been condenced a little bit for shortnesses sake. I thought, What if energy isnt conserved after all? The more powerful the magic used the bigger the chance of them dyeing in battle cause either they became tired and was killed or the spell was more than the magic\ life force they had left. External energy could work; however, instantaneously moving energy from one place to another causes problems. Your answer could have huge ramifications for your world. This allows for more ready, flexible use of magic, but one has to be careful how much they use at once or risk damaging both the spirit and themselves. Hey! This was, oh, maybe sixth on the list of fourteen or fifteen legendary impossibilities he demanded, all in the essentially same format. Where does it source its power? You cant have conservation of energy violated by magic that also keeps the laws of physics the same over time, any more than you could have magic that makes 2+2=5 (unless, perhaps, the laws of physics in a universe dont involve Lagrangians, but then that would likely be a universe totally different from our own). The duration for using paint is limited and if your paint bottle runs out life will slowly start to sap out of you. When youre deciding which type of magic system to use, ask yourself: Do you want magic to solve conflict for your protagonist (hard magic) or to create conflict for your protagonist (soft magic)? The Towers radiate an energy that interferes with circuit boards, so the only expeditions have been with primitive tools. Eg- In order to make the static ball move with your mind you need something around you that you can either see or feel is moving to help focus you. Magic wielders might be shunned for being different, perhaps even dangerous, or they could be praised for their abilities. Anywhere there is festivity or drinking he might try to have some fun, which could make for an epic night or a lot of destruction; hes the bane of every tavern and bar. For instance: a person who has long hair could pluck a strand and send paint through it causing it to straiten making a weapon hard to see or maybe if you can use paint on something you arent touching you could carry a bag of sand around and channel paint into it giving you the power to manipulate it a will. So if you think multiple types would be cool, go for it, if you want to keep it simple, dont. In addition, there are no boundaries on what magic could theoretically do in the Potterverse. That was exactly what i thought! In the HP books, the only reason why Harry cant do everything is that hes still learning. In The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud, magic is like law. A cunning ex-adventurer named Wlfrilda seeks a company of adventurers to explore the Pikawas Jungle. Like species in our world evolved so did the magic in their world, with their ancestors using a specific type of magic and pased it down it just became a part of them. I really hope you go through with it! If an elemental mage can only use elements which are not opposite, they have to choose between the four elements when they start training. Alternatively, soft magic systems remain nebulous. A person can use their mental conviction to create any of these energy forms by channeling the Ether (Breaking the law of Conservation- Something from Nothing). Because I have 3 systems and they all lean soft-irrational, Im concerned that I have glaring problems that I overlooked. Stars: Star magic draws power from the vast expanse of the cosmos, and is primarily psychic in nature. Use this guide as best fits your approach to magic. The only downside is that these systems require thought thought that will make your setting stronger. All are well known for changing things theyre associated with into other things or even changing other women into one of them, so that can be fun. Character Power Generator The purpose of soft magic is simply to create a feeling of adventure, and wonder. Bit of background on the names, also random worldbuilding you can skip: Conduits were though to be channeling the energy of the gods, as when they are full they glow slightly but Conduits cant do anything with their energy by themselves. Im not sure if this will help ScWall any, but I experimented with something very similar a number of years ago. Probably best if I give you an example. The audience has no idea what they can do other than what theyve been directly told, so if they do anything new in a crisis, it will look like a deus ex machina. The Goddess of Exchanges would be less random, but you wouldnt be able to reliably make exchanges with her. From this point onwards paint is incorporated into science and technology. Theres not much description sticking in my mind about the details of the contest, which tends to indicate to me how orders-of-magnitude outclassed of a mismatch Tolkien considered this one on the spiritual level he viewed as most important, since if theres one thing Tolkien excels at, its birlliant and poetic description of the details of those elements he viewed as important to convey in his work, which he approached with the carefully thought out professionalism he drew from his years in the academic world as professor and often chair of various university departments, most I believe relating to linguistics and literature, in particular of the Anglo-Saxon and Norse cultures (though the Welsh Mabinogion seems also to have influenced the development of Middle Earth and in fact some of the names, particularly of the Dwarves, were lifted directly from there check the Mabinogi of KILHWCH AND OLWEN; OR THE TWRCH TRWYTH, which basically explains the collection of the legendary royal treasures in terms of a pig hunt which in turn was demanded by the Bad-guy Ogre Father of the Heros Love Interest (basically because he was prophesied to, um, you know, DIE when his daughter was married, so he was REALLY interested in being as difficult a crusty old bastard as possible in terms of legendarily impossible tasks he was going to demand of his prospective son-in-law as the bride price. Telekinesis was also handy (pun intended) for explaining nonhumanoid creatures without hands or similar developing and using technology, because I am interested in the possibility of aliens very different from humans. So I would greatly appreciate some constructive feedback back. The main question becomes who set this up, and why? Spirit? When an Interferer discovered their ability to pull power from a Conduit and affect the world, they were shunned for interfering. If a character casts spells with a combination of substances, dance moves, and symbols drawn in charcoal, assign a role to each component. Though a mages mana reserve grows as their body gets used to their energy loss, certain acts of magic that require large amounts of mana can leave a mage drained of energy and will require them to rest and recharge their energy. Energy-based magic is easy to use because it comes with limitations. If most people are one or the other, and Conduits are rare, then most Conduits will also be the children of Interferers. For just one example, Magoroh Maruyama describes several different possible paradigms of science, which Robert A. Freitas Jr. mentions in the book Xenology in relation to extraterrestrial minds. Magic that powerful would leave a large fingerprint on the world, and if you dont avoid ultra-powerful characters, it can also break your plot. I also had the idea that there would be some very powerful, old spirits who have long-standing contracts with humanity as a whole. The way the magic of my world works so far goes as follows: Magic is based in blood, the eight types of magical blood found in fantastical creatures and humans (Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Mind, Body), and the way people gain magic is either by taking that blood from the creature or being born with it, so either a Linear or a Pureblood. Someone else is needed. Ask yourself if your antagonist will be a magic-wielder, and if there will be magical creatures in your story. Are you looking to define what weaving one can and cant do? However, certainly Interferers might be rewriting history to make themselves look better. And if you use an elemental magic system be creative, inform yourself what elements are overused already. Paint can depend on someones mental state and will The water creatures, dryads and naiads, are rarer and more powerful (because water has been around for much longer). Brought to you by Campfire Levi Johnson is a writer and content creator at Campfire. If youre curious about setting/technological era, itll take place in two time periods; one in what would be Victorian times in our world, one in WWII time period. The way it goes is that the universe of our perception is just a projection, an illusion if you will, of the real World, the Sea of Energy. However, a few benders can bend their element when its in a different form or less pure. Theyre bodies cant store energy, thats a Condit thing. You should understand why some spells have symbols in common but different dance moves. Another way of looking at sources is from a material point of view. Theres no way to please them or ask them for help, they just do stuff because they want to (very much like the Greek/Roman or Norse pantheons we have). Other than that, most answers are really just what do you want? However, I will say that if magic uses up energy in the environment putting out fires and stopping movement for instance that would probably create some interesting scenes. Paint is a very volatile substance that if held can burn off skin Know How Your Magic Works Here we discuss considerations outside the scope of this article, such as the effect magic has on society. Its a solid premise, and Im sure youll do amazing things with it. The villain in S3 of A:LoK achieves it. If by the end of your story the hero has reached twice or more times the power of the strongest person at the beginning of the story, how come nobody ever reached that same level? Willpower is ultimately the deciding factor between to evenly matched opponents. You can make it as cool as you like; think Discworld, Middle Earth, Zamonia, etc. But here is the problem since those energies are not strictly relates to the non-magical substances, Im not quite clear how exactly my energies will affect characters. Is it connected to religion or religions of your world (since something based on the principle of good and bad [if you have to keep that, use evil instead of bad] should have a connection to religion)? Occult Network-- The magic Internet. Maybe the mad mage could be a catalyst for that, tampering in magic that drives off spirits (or becoming one herself? And that should be all, if anyone can help me with the names of the entire concept, please do. Now, of course, this is magic and doesnt have to follow real life but by the same token, as in real physics, it doesnt necessarily have to seem sensible to humans (think of how weird quantum mechanics is). Re: hollow mages this is the fate of the previous mage who had the protagonists familiar she traded away bits of her life in order to extend it, until she ends up functionally immortal but with very little of her original self left, (she breaks the bond with her familiar in the process in order to make deals with more powerful spirits). If so, why? Note that this does NOT prove energy is conserved (at least I dont think so), it means that if energy is not conserved, the laws of physics must change over time this applies even if magic is involved. Its at its strongest during a thunderstorm and is the most dynamic of the Primals, as the mage is always connected to the Primal at a given time. With the exception of the Avatar, people who cast magic are only attuned to one of the four main elements. Here are four common categories you can consider. The only other limiting factor to the magic is that in order to produce the energy in the first place, is that you need Inspiration to help channel your thoughts & familiarity. Yeah, I think your fabric metaphor works great. Something as seemingly insignificant as a casting time thats five seconds longer has a huge impact on whether mages can handle unexpected problems. My main question is whether you think the weaving should be specialized; i. e., should I break it up into different types of thread/weaving style/knots? weft threads could determine the properties of the warp threads, i.e. The farther an individual cause the needle to drift towards imbalance, the more force shall be exerted on that individual until the balance is restored through redistribution. What I really dont like about this article is the formula on how to create a magic system. I dont want to write something that turns out to be nonsensical. Side note, can anyone contact the spirits, or does it require a special gift.. Thanks to this article I have been able to advance my magic system up from the basics and I just want to run this by someone who is not me: My magic system is called Paint. Everyone has their own power level amount of energy they can produce in one go. Eco (plant life). Obscuring the rules is easier if the cause and effect can be separated by space and time or the cause isnt directly observable. Examples of rationality in spell design include: 1) Theres a spell for emitting light from ones wand (lumos, which is connected to the Latin word for light) and theres a spell for extinguishing your wand light (nox, which is literally the Latin word for night). They can do things with water, and also move farther away from their source (something other nymphs cannot physically do). Perhaps then these powers could actually be based on nanobots or even totally new forces and particles that are not visually detectable. Hey Ryan R Im still plugging away at it (when Life lets me anyway! To build this logic, start by thinking about three things: the effects, sources, and costs of magic. They can only work through people that do their will voluntarily. Sometimes, as in the example I made, other natural processes, such as life and death (or decay) or day and night are added. Though this is all tentative, Id probably categorize it into two types: warp threads (like the structural threads you mentioned) for physical spells and weft threads for nonphysical spells. By making sure magic has costs, you can force your protagonists to be clever and resourceful when they solve problems. Can one person wield both of them or only one? As we dont seem to be focusing on that aspect much, however, I wont try to continue arguments about that part. There are a few online articles about this: the ones I remember off the top of my head are Universal Fire and Universal Law, found on LessWrong. First of all, why would there be a spell to dodge? That means every control over them would be on the molecular level, manipulating the molecules and atoms to speed up or slow down or (for changes) change their configuration. Some well-known examples of hard magic systems: In Fullmetal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa, magic is like chemistry. And boy, rational magic systems arent new. In real life, cold is not a thing but just the absence of heat, and ice and fire dont seem to be fundamental opposites. Not sure what I mean? These are some questions you should ask when you brainstorm. Last, heres a fun chart showing the details of magic systems in the most popular works. Dont expect to put out a perfect draft, having to do revisions or rewrites is disappointing, but its a normal part of the process that helps us strengthen our skills. Balance being an essential figure in most fantasy pieces, this works on many levels! Dark, but if it works for the story however, I would say that rather than the Interferes having been oppressed and retaliating, it seems a lot more likely that they were the oppressors and committed genocide. Thats because Disney movies are based on fairy tales and fairy tales dont write up rules for magic. In general, creating a system that is more limited in effect and creates more problems with casting makes for better stories. Or some effect it has on the world? Alrighty, its late and Im tired. There are over 1400 name generators, as well as many description generators, guides and various tools you might find helpful. I checked it out, and indeed it seems to just be another name for obsidian. You just need a set of guidelines that all of your spirits/nymphs follow. When a person deliberately causes an imbalance that person becomes the cork plugging up the hole, so to speak. Moreover, the party must complete the quest without killing anyone. When picking the powers and spells for your magic system you'll have to keep in mind a few things. This ancient Wise One observed the natures tendency towards self-balancing and saw it as an Eternal Law. If Rowling had, for instance, done more with the four houses, things might have been different. The knots must be undone, causing the reverse effect as the original magic, and rewoven into the fabric of reality. You can get away with a strange assortment if you have mechanics that explain it. The job is dangerous. Sandersons Third Law. Electricity I see some interesting potential with that. SWd6 System Generator. I was actually thinking of precursor aliens having set everything up, but that raises a lot more questions of motivation and the ability to remain undetected. Magicians have no power of their own except through the spirits they command. Choose the right magic system for your fantasy novel without the headache. Characters ability to control/convert each type of energy goes from some skills which could be improved and basically limited by amount of energy which the character can control at any single spell. Your powers will be just as draining as a Bornes magic. However, you can mix pieces of magic plants and animals in a pot and get powerful effects. It could make for some interesting stories devout priests who get power from their deities versus irreligious wizards who use their own will as magic, bio-mages who draw upon the weak but flexible power of living organisms versus geo-mages who draw upon the mighty yet unsubtle power of the land itself, Incidentally, all examples you have given, Cay Reet, are about how (most) magic-users cannot use all types of magic; do you think that a system in which magic-users could learn all possible magic (at least theoretically) but what is possible for magic in total is strictly limited could work? In the Studio Ghibli film Spirited Away, the entire spirit world operates under a soft magic system, from the magical bathhouse customers to the killer paper airplanes. Many systems treat magic as energy similar to heat, magnetism, electricity, or movement. All of Creation is born from a single point in time, that exists both Space, Time, Existence, or Consciousness, what we call The Sephirot, or The Spark, or the Egg of Creation, it goes by many names. And theres nothing less exciting than a story where the protagonists can escape from any danger just by wishing it away. While I have thought of several different magic systems, Ill present the one I conceived of first. In this world, soon to be named, certain people have access to an energy that is the personification of nature. That is, I guess why telepathy which requires touching is easiest to explain, since you can direct your energy into the other body through your skin. Theyre part of a task force to reweave the knots. The Chinese traditional elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water, a different classification scheme that is equally arbitrary. 3. Their powers go far beyond what has ever been shown before and theres no repercussions for them. There are plenty of sources you can use, like bodily energies, energies in the air, power bestowed by the gods, powers within blood, pools of magic in the world, a worldwide life force, magical artifacts and so on. Because people tend to be put off when your story changes rules in the middle. Furthermore, it is meant to be mysterious in-story and something that not everyone has. . Humans cant curse (or maybe they just didnt figure it out yet!) There are a few keys differences, in that the forces that determine a Vibration are its Wavelength, Frequency, Harmony, Color, and Ripple(subject to change). The four elements are chemical states: solid (earth), liquid (water), gas (air), and plasma (fire). Perhaps they only manifest 1 (or 2?) There are multiple types of energies floating around everywhere in the world (some of those energies similar to Elements of nature Air, Water, Fire, Earth; plus Mana, Life, Mind and, probably, more) E.g., player can only use some energy from the environment, depending on available amount and the players skills. If you could, they probably wouldnt tell the students at Hogwarts. Forms of Sky magic include air magic, lightning magic, and weather magic. Characters could control those energies by some kind of telekinesis (Thoughts & will) plus Mana energy. This is really good! The first step is building a metaphysical framework for how and why magic works. There might be countless possibilities, but it will take countless years to figure it out. It's not wrong to have overpowered spells, but they often lead to plot holes or silly ways of explaining why that power cannot be used in a specific situation. In The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb, practitioners of the Skill can communicate to each other telepathically. If you follow this rule, readers will appreciate the awe and mystery of the magic without feeling like it cheapens the story.