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More like a glob. They wouldnt divorce until August of the following year. There are no frames missing from the Zapruder film. This is the detectives nightmare. Where are all the people? After adding in frame 341 & 350 and assuming She has been an enormous help to the TUC ministry ever since that time, editing books for publication as well as running the podcast and administrating the TUC community, among other tasks. I dont even know what a flchette is.. If the Warren Commission, which was made up of top ranking Freemasons, the CIA Director, and a future president, wanted to steer America away from pondering the possibility of a cover up, why would they even ask the lady in red to testify? Film". Its almost like history is a kind of snake swallowing its tail., Part of the problem of rationality and irrationalityand it really is a problemis how do you separate the two? So one recent morning over breakfast in the dining room of the hotel in New Yorks SoHo where Morris was staying, I sat down in front of his computer to watch the Zapruder film with him. The shock never wears off. In Morris film, Thompson discloses something I hadnt known: that the Umbrella Man had eventually come forward and explained himself. If any 1 or more frames are either added or subtracted then * Note 1: Frame 157 is a splice. He may have been startled by the head shot and only wanted to verify what had transpired before continuing filming. The Church Committee then begat the only full-scale official government reinvestigation of the Kennedy assassination, the three-year effort (1976-79) by the House Select Committee on Assassinations (which also considered the Martin Luther King Jr. case). the partial distance that the message took up at the beginning and ending The "Other" Zapruder Film - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum each repeating message. The CIA perhaps had the capability to further alter the film. If we were viewing a Hollywood production, wed have simple explanations for this. The significance of the tape would not become known until 1978. Again the renewed shock of watching it (rather than Stones far-fetched military-industrial-complex conspiracy theory) had its effect: Public reaction pushed Congress to pass the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, which ordered that the declassification of literally millions of assassination documents be expedited. Apparently, on the 22 of November, 1963, Jean immediately ran to the grassy knoll where she saw a puff of smoke and a shadowy figure. I have chosen the word immediate, or else why would she run? Her findings surprised me. Was the Zapruder film edited? | Metabunk One at the age of 40, the other at the age of 43. (Morris is now 65. Missing Links - JFK Zapruder Film: All Frames & High Quality Kris162 504 subscribers 34K views 5 years ago The 1963 Zapruder film, taken by Abraham Zapruder, is derived from the six-foot strip of. Enjoy the performance until the lights go down and its your cue to die, that sort of thing. This could be due to the fact that her curbside narrative is legitimate, assuming we are not looking at the composite of multiple takes, and her position has been altered. Bush, code named Timberwolf, was indeed in Dallas on that November day, a fully functioning member of the CIA. Randy Owen is incorrect that the small possible difference in frame rates would be significant. This article is brought to you by my commercial sponsor, BOSCO chocolate flavored syrup. on the Internet. where this cameraman was standing. The above screenshot just arrived in my mailbox the other day, and its not the first. There are only 6 frames missing from the " JFK Assassination, A Visual Investigation" versision of the film. 32 year-old Jean Hill, aka Norma Jean, is dubbed the lady in red in the Zapruder film. I may throw her in when you least suspect it. But thats not even the abnormality I want you to focus in upon. And yet, in the Zapruder film, Jean is clearly shown some 2 feet from the curb. In other words, multiple takes. all smiles. This fall, Tom Hanks will produce another cinematic version of the assassination, a movie called Parkland (after the Dallas hospital), with Paul Giamatti playing our man Abraham Zapruder. What is the word missing at the top of page 7? PDF The Great Zapruder Film Hoax - Assassination Science Well, here she is. More than likely he is a Freemason. My arrival is predicated upon me speaking exclusively on the Millennial Kingdom + Mud Flood subject, which has been plastered all over TUC over the last few years. An entire week has gone by and still I make no apologies. The next series of frames reveals a massive exit wound upon Kennedys right temple and forehead. Assassination, A Visual Investigation" No one adding or subtracting frames to the film on the weekend of the 22nd would have known of the existence and significance of the DPD Dictabelt tape which had fortuitously recorded the sound of the gunfire in Dealey Plaza. Its those bad guys rubbing their hands together, Twirling their mustaches, calculating panic, conniving. Frame 486 is the last frame of the film. I believe so. Clearly there is a backward movement, but . So, take note of her sprint towards the grassy knoll. The frame that gave Abraham Zapruder nightmares, the frame he insisted be withheld from the publica single frame of film that can be said to have changed American history and culture. The loneliest of all labyrinths. His accused killer. I wish I could tell you they just had to throw that in there, give us a glimpse of the evil working behind the scenes, but the far more likelier explanation is that were dealing with a ccompositing artifact, mutated with the merging together of multiple film sources. Sarah and I are in our 40s, have been married for over 20 years, and never thought we could have any more children. Here's the clearest view yet, a new motion-stabilized and panoramic version of the Zapruder film. that 155, 156 & 208 to 211 were the only missing frames, I measured The strangest part has little to do with her initial backstory and everything to do with the mere fact that she and Mary Moorman are standing in Dealey Plaza almost completely alone. Perhaps we shall save Sasquatch and the 1967 PattersonGimlin film for another outing. No, in reality Jean Hill would be diagnosed as bipolar, or perhaps a manic depressant. Uploaded by Regarding the actual editing of the Zapruder film, they also feel frames are missing from the one shown to the public. Post-production still frame that has been composited. (1) Her right hand is nearly flat on the trunk; (2) her fingertips are about 10 inches from the drivers side handhold, gripped by Clint Hill; (3) in two dimensions, her right arm is at a ~45 degree angle with the trunk. sold the film to Time-Life for the sum of $150,000 - about $900,000 dollars in today's money. Cropped high-resolution digital Zapruder Film Frames 313-316 showing The significance of the tape would not become known until 1978. He offers no other proof, but just by stating his deception theory Cox seems confident hes scored an impressive point. So here is Tink, Morris says, taking us back to Thompsons Life magazine days, hunkered down over the Zapruder film looking at it frame by frame by frame. At Z-338, he finally seems to have grabbed the handhold. But somehow he makes Morris and Thompson accomplices, witting or not, in the coverup of the Umbrella Mans murderous duplicity in Dallas that day. Autopsy photos clearly show that the Presidents face was undamaged. Morris prefers to think of it in terms of the philosophical issues about the possibility, or impossibility, of knowledge, the issues raised by Tink Thompson in his book about Kierkegaard, The Lonely Labyrinth. As to the informative Carol Hewitt article, Silencers, Sniper Rifles & the CIA, she states, [m]anipulating the sound of a gun shot can be accomplished in varying degrees through the use of sub-sonic ammunition, suppressors, and silencers. Having considerable experience with all of the above, I believe the term silencer is but another common but misleadingly inaccurate term for a suppressor, rather than a separate category of sound reduction device. Agent Zapruder was a 33 degree Freemason, and Jean Hill was in on it. Safe at least in the sense that we can know about it. And this threw everything up for grabs. Missing and Out of Sequence frames in the Zapruder Film Indeed the committee ultimately determined that both the CIA and the FBI had withheld material information about these matters from the Warren Commission. I dont know, you tell me. You dont simply turn a reel of film off and on again without a slight hiccup in the presentation. Now that we have thoroughly established that spooks had their hand in every element of the Kennedy assassination, I should pause here and remind my reader that spooks have been making themselves known to me in recent months, and in a number of ways. JFK: What the Zapruder film really means | Just look at Bush. This amounts to a running time of precisely 28 seconds. Where did agent Zapruder go? which have no meaning to me. WhoWhatWhy. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine And a typical mistake in comparing the Zapruder and Nix films is, for example, that the 10th frame after the head shot in the Z-film is supposed to match the 10th frame after the head shot in the Nix film (or Muchmore film, as well). If any frames were missing in these intervals none of this would work out with such mathematical precision. Some have felt frames were excised where Zapruders camera stops initially and then motorcade proceeds down Elm. The official narrative claims George H.W. I went through the Zapruder film this morning frame-by-frame in slow motion. 17 and 18 frames long. I can only hope that they will eventually face the evidence head on and realize that proof of conspiracy is fully present in the films of the assassination. The echo he describes is the fact that by his proximity to the impact he heard the impact before he heard the muzzle blast which arrived of about 1/10th of second later. In other words, multiple takes. According to the frame numbers, there are 42 frames missing in the film. In case you were wondering, Cosmology is not a couch for me to recline on while you pull out a monocle and a notebook and attempt to assign my pedigree of insanity. The only reason we consider it as such is because spook communities and the media tell us it is. interval such that I could determine if any additional frames were missing. The second section compares the film as screened at 24 frames per second, 18 frames, and 16 frames. I decided to find out if this message was at a regular The labyrinth to nowhere. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Agent Zapruders movie has been called the most important 26 seconds of film in history, We can know for certain that somebody took a. Frame by Frame. Is that the mysterious Babushka lady standing stage left? Heres my problem, Morris replies. 2nd & 3rd is 48; 3rd & 4th is 50 5/8; 4th & 5th is 47 7/8; This is partly due to the fact that they like to add their own little flare, a back story if you will, to the narrative, just to keep it organic, and to make their part known. Its a process that is still going on, monitored by former Washington Post reporter Jefferson Morley on his website Humidity wasnt an issue. We can know for certain that somebody took a shnip to the film because a good deal of time is missing from the final cut, an estimated 30 seconds in total. I wanted to talk to Morris about the Zapruder film because as a documentary filmmaker hes focused on mysteries (he freed an innocent man from death row with The Thin Blue Line); hes re-examined secret history (he won an Oscar for cross-examining the enigmatic Robert McNamara in The Fog of War). So it seems, I start to say when the voice-over cuts in with the final version: This version zooms in on the image as much as possible without causing deterioration. Shed take to the bottle, lose her career as a teacher to some scandal, and then jump off a bridge. If you were born at any time during the 20th century, then youve likely seen the Zapruder film a hundred times already. Cookie Settings, Zapruder Film 1967 (Renewed 1995) The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza, a six-minute documentary about the Zapruder film for the, the seven-minute Alex Cox video on YouTube, The Shakespeare Wars: Clashing Scholars, Public Fiascoes, Palace Coups, How the End Begins: The Road to a Nuclear World War III, Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil, Kids Start Forgetting Early Childhood Around Age 7, Archaeologists Discover Wooden Spikes Described by Julius Caesar, 5,000-Year-Old Tavern With Food Still Inside Discovered in Iraq, Artificial Sweetener Tied to Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke, Study Finds, The Surprisingly Scientific Roots of Monkey Bars. And it has produced this epi-stemic war of people battling for reality through these imagestrying to wrest control back from chaos.. In summary, Dino Bruglioni appears to have gotten the unaltered original Zapruder film on Saturday night. The JFK Assassination Was a Hoax: Frame 313 Exposed Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit - Assassination Research Who, Morris says, had been ambassador to England in the 1930s and [was] known for his policies of appeasement to the Third Reich., Symbolized, I say, by the umbrella that Neville Chamberlain carried back from Munich, after Chamberlain claimed to have brought peace for our time by letting Hitler swallow up half of Czechoslovakia, giving Hitler the impetus to launch World War II. While slowly killing her off with a daily dosage of poison, the CIA would sadistically give America reason to discredit her. There is a big blob where his skull once was. Whats so funny, Mr. President? BOOK REVIEWS / The Great Zapruder Film Hoax . (In analyzing these frames, we use "left" for "driver's side" and "right" for "passenger's side".) Re:R. Andrew Kiel-you are " Spot On ". Can anyone comment or point me in the right direction to learn more. There are only 6 frames missing from the "JFK There is much else to see in this single frame. Its like a little metal stabbing thing that can be fired, without a gunshot sound, can lodge itself in the flesh and be fatal.. President Kennedy does not enter the stage for the first third of the picture, and it is there were we encounter a serious problem. For nearly 200 frames, some three dozen people on the bottom of the frame, or the north end of Elm Street, remain perfectly motionless. I hope to see my readers there! The Lady in Red, still dressed for the part in 1992, rehearsed what she saw in the Beyond JFK documentary. According to this frame, we can see right through his skull. What Z-film frame does this Nix frame capture? An analysis of the photo pins the running woman as somewhere in the range of 7 feet tall. Examines frames of film exposed with different combinations of color filters (wedges) to select optimum color balance based on experience and judgment. The simple answer is that there is no discrepancy. Was Dino shown the actual extant film and asked to comment or just a single photo? That is, unless you want to take scissors to the reel and make an edit. George H.W. The man was shooting from right just this side of that tree . Morningstar says he has the missing frames of Zapruder. Bush, the Skull and Bones alumni who would ascend from Director of the CIA to Vice-President under Reagan and finally Commander and Chief of the Corporate United States, was not yet a member of Central Intelligence when Kennedy was shot. All frames of the film are accounted for at the National Archives. Somewhere on that wall of fine presenters is my mug, but Im not telling you which one. We want to take your picture!. In fact, his entire forehead is shown to be missing. Theres an interview with him where he talks about his love of amateur photography, how he took pictures of everything. Overlooked in such comparisons is the fact the Zapruder film ran at a different speed (18.3 fps) than Nix and/or Muchmore (18.5 fps). The lovely Rebecca. A new theory that determines how many Zapruder frames were deleted from the original Zapruder film during that day November 24, 1963 per the alteration discovered by Douglas Horne. Neither appear in Zapruders film. Zapruder Film Frames Addeddate 2019-11-05 01:54:09 Identifier zapruderfilmframes Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4. plus-circle Add Review. (1) her hand is off the trunk, and is as high as the drivers side handhold; (2) her right hand extends all the way to the end of the trunk, as far as Clint Hills; (3) her right arm is now parallel to it the trunk. May 26-28. I believe this case was solved by Doug Horne several years ago and to continue to churn these stories over and over again is counterproductive. Learn how your comment data is processed. The Zapruder film consists of only 486 frames. Frame 313. Back in 1975, Robert Groden, a conspiracist specializing in image trickery, argued in Rolling Stone that frames were. JFK Zapruder Film: All Frames & High Quality - YouTube Within that 30 seconds of missing time, the motorcades lead car. CBS News conducted an experiment to determine a person's reaction upon hearing a gunshot. That is all for now. Notice how Jeans shadow is bent out of shape. My favorite quote in my favorite movie review, he says, appeared in a 1941 review of Citizen Kane by [the great Argentine fabulist Jorge Luis] Borges and it contained Borges quoting, as he often did, [British writer G.K.] Chesterton, who said there is nothing more frightening than a labyrinth with no center. Your email address will not be published. Rewind to Frame 313: The visceral impression that the blast came from in front of JFK and blew his head backward is powerful. Muchmore film shows the brake lights turn on as they approach the fence and Nix film clearly shows the car slow down so dramatically the motorcycle cops flanking the as car catch the limo and possibly move as far west as the rear bumper as they were caught off guard. He sold the rights to the original to Life magazine for a reported $150,000. Bush had a hand in Kennedys assassination. I met him when he was my freshman philosophy professor at Yale and he was working on The Lonely Labyrinth, his landmark analysis of the gloomy Danish anti-rationalist philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. How long do you suppose the Newmans remained ducking for cover while the media stood around photographing themand just as importantly, why? That looks to be the legs of the lady in red and perhaps the Babushka lady, standing around, comparing notes, getting their stories straight. Zapruder stopped the camera at 132, and started it again at frame 133. So, let us begin. Kennedy was killed in a Lincoln, and as we all hopefully know by now, Lincolns assassination was another hoax. He offers no evidence that a weaponized umbrella was fired that day or that a poison flchette was found in JFKs flesh. The Warren Commission was nothing more than a script, written and fleshed our by Freemasons. We can never know that we cant know something. Hidden in Plain View -- The First Dealy Plaza Shot in the Zapruder Film Im curious, the Zapruder film indicates no slow down of the limo by the fence. Around Z376 I would suggest, or very shortly after that. An updated edition of his book, Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil is being published by DaCapo/Perseus Books. Technical assistance courtesy of the Mary Ferrell Foundation | Designed by iWebResults. Entertainment for the barracoon. Is it possi- Since were on the subject of important 20th century film documentation, Im reminded of the original Apollo 11 moon landing hoax footage, which NASA admittedly recorded over. 155 and the bottom 2/3 is frame 157. There is unlikely a person alive who cannot remember where they were on November 22, 1963. Amateur films by Abraham Zapruder and Orville Nix do not agree with each other in at least one obvious way. I would agree with that, replies Morris. We could build a postwar future on that edifice. Knowing that his home movie would have both historic and forensic value, Abraham Zapruder had three copies of his original film made for government investigators. I like to play hard to get, and so, you will have to try your best and find me. There have been arguments that this is a kind of optical illusionthe most convincing to me being that JFK had been hit from behind after the previous frame, 312, slamming his chin forward to his chest, and his head was rebounding backward in Frame 313. You may notice in the Zapruder film that various photographers are poised and ready for action on the south side of Elm, just across from the motionless crowd. Nowadays crisis actors are a dime a dozen. And we know that he is hit in such a way that matter was ejected from the back of his head.. Can we even have the certainty that all is uncertainty? I ask. After half a century, the latest Gallup poll shows that 59 percent of the American public believes there was a conspiracy in the assassination, despite the best efforts of reporters such as Gerald Posner (Case Closed) and former prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi (Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy), who have written long, painstaking books meant to be definitive defenses of the lone assassin case. As the film progresses, his wound morphs. Its been called the most important 26 seconds of film in history: The 486 frames of 8-millimeter Bell + Howell home movie footage shot in the midday sun of Dallas on November 22, 1963, by a dressmaker named Abraham Zapruder. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Another thing we know is that we may never learn. Of course. Plain and simple. Historical proof of my methodology can be found here. The Justice Department subsequently asked the National Academy of Sciences to re-examine the Dictabelt evidence and it concluded it was not dispositive, which naturally led to years of debate among forensic acoustic experts. That and other momentous pieces of fiction like NASA Star Wars. Doug Horne has chosen to ignore the detailed, technical analysis of the Z-film conducted by his former friend, Kodak 8mm film expert Rollie Zavada, in the mid-1990s. Only the man with a construction helmet seemingly remains the same in each one, and hes been identified as an agent. . Theres another version where the Umbrella Man himself is one of the assassinswith the umbrella., A covert weapon capable of firingIm not sure where this word came from but Tink uses ita flchette. Umbrella Man consists of Morris talking with Josiah Tink Thompson, one of the first and most respected of Warren Commission critics. This is very easy to verify. Rivqah is nearly 4 months old now, her birthdate being on July 7, and as you can see, she loves standing with assistance. The Earth Not a Globe Review: Volume I and The Legends of the Jews: Volumes I-IV would not have happened without her. As previously noted, some crisis actors like to dabble in the art of Improv, and Jean Hill appears to be one of them. I dont think we can discount the idea that the CIA had these capabilities. Others, notably David Josephs think the time might be 15 seconds. For an even better video on this subject see : The newer analysis by another up loader using a better copy of . Kids, this is before digital technology. Notice how nothing and nobody can be seen in the back of that truck. Costella Combined Edit Frames (updated 2006) Click on a frame number below to view the corresponding frame of the film, or click here to download all 486 frames in a single ZIP file (119 MB). There are no frames missing from the Zapruder film. Rivqah decided to surprise us when we least expected it, and here she is, tada! The lampposts in Dealey Plaza are precisely 14 feet tall. is frame 208 and the bottom portion is 212. He seemingly believes that, Morris says. And he notices there is a man, a bystander among the crowds waiting for the Kennedy motorcadeand hes holding an umbrella. The end of a certain kind of innocence that we bought into. All this time, people have been talking about the Zapruder film, in singular, when the term "Zapruder films" is more accurate in certain contexts. It would be nice if we could just look at the Zapruder film and say, Aha!, Frame 313, he says now, will always be at the center of the Zapruder film. addition, frames 208, 209, 210, and 211 are missing due to mishandling by an . Something happened. The future Director of the CIA made Kennedy go away. Holland and Rush suggest that the pause could have had great significance for the interpretation of the assassination. The Zapruder film disagrees with all other evidence. All credit goes to John P. Costella. IN my last newsletter I made mention of Rebecca L. Gould without ever giving a photo reveal. Most people vaguely know about the Zapruder film, but it will soon become omnipresent as the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy approaches. These missing frames are here derived from alternative sources. he explains why he believes this & how frame removal would be relatively easy on an optical printer with little or no noticeable 'jump' in background & foreground scenes. Something looks not right there. I found that the letters spelled out "KODACHROME II" and "SAFETY FILM". We see three police motorcycles round the corner from North Houston to Elm Street and then quite suddenly the Presidents Lincoln convertible appears out of nowhere. That gives one a lot of scenes to use elsewhere. My next step was to measure the distance between Perhaps you are beginning to see where Im going with this. Its pretty dramatic slowdown of the limo when you focus on that car and the motorcycles. measurements are close enough to show a pattern: 51; 48; 51; 48; 51; Its like everyone is waiting their turn, having already rehearsed their part, and only little America is not in on it. The limousines turn onto Elmdebris from the headshotlimo slowing or stoppingwhat else is believed to be missing/altered? He has spent the last 37 years working, often successfully, for defense lawyers in tough cases. Bush never could remember. *Note 2: Frame 212 is a splice also. Rebecca L. Gould: A growing family at TUC! Abraham Zapruder, an unassuming man with an ordinary camera.. Zapruder FAQ | The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza of the phrase. On Monday, August 25, 2014 at 8:52:53 PM UTC-5, Herbert Blenner wrote:,,, You do not have permission to delete messages in this group, Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message, A new theory that determines how many Zapruder frames were deleted from the. Zapruder film - Wikipedia That would be totally amazing if true. Information on Jeans boyfriend is terribly difficult to come by. Completing the Story of the Assassination. Zavada strongly argues that the Z-film has not in any way been altered. The Cancellare photo is an estimated 20 seconds after Z film frame 313. The only thing more obvious in the Kennedy hoax would be a nod to Fords Theater. Contrarily, the CIA wanted America to theorize over the potential for conspiracy. Zapruder Film Frames : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet A grassy knoll, from where some believe a second assassin fired, was out of view to his right. Once Zen and company release the official schedule I plan on scheduling a TUC meetup. As of 333, he is just about to mount the car, but has not even touched the car yet.