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And Ive been caught too. I refuse to live out my life not feeling special. For men the cost is being far more productive than hed need to be if caring only for himself and to forsake all other partners in pairing with his wife exclusively. Glenn, as a man to another man; its time to let that person go. They think they do, Men expect women to get hormone therapy to fix the hormone problem. Praying for these husbands. However if these women get divorced they have a sexual oasis spring up again between their legs because they need to find a new nest. I am planning a divorce, as I wont live out the remaining 20-30 years of my life without love and affection. Between her legs the next time.4, stop watching porn if you know this makes her feel uncomfortable as we all know when men watch porn that will lead into you not being able to get it up for her because you have been watching photoshops porn and all you want is that fake lady so you go out and cheat on your wife then come home and accuse her of cheating and thats why she is not having sex with you. Nope. I suppose that his stomach, which is huge, the fact that he cant really get hard, and the fact that sex takes forever are some of the reasons why I no longer want to have sex. I feel very blessed, because my gynecologist put me on low dose hormone therapy. He may still be impotent after surgery, no guarantees. But no cuddling, spooning, showers, surprise hugs or squeezes, in bed we may as well be cousins or brother and sister as we just sleep on our own side and no touches. My wife and I are in our late 50s and connect wonderfully in all ways. He tries to manipulate me about everything and after 30 years of marriage I am over it. Better have the most compatibly with someone ans have a happy fulfilling relationship. 3, stop calling her names and no more fights with give you more chances of having sex with her that night. Every new relationship begins with a promise of love, intimacy and affection. Nothing before marriage, nothing on our wedding night and little to nothing for the next 46+ years. We do love each other though. Not you at all by the sounds of it. 3. He does not have ED or any similar issue, wont see a therapist or talk about this, and he becomes angry and defensive if I bring up sex or hug him or show any affection. I went elsewhere a few years back. I fear I will never know physically intimacy again in this marriage, I keep holding out hope, which is why I stay. For many of us, male and female, the virtue of sex resides in the shared experience. Most women, especially in our age group, only experience responsive desire. Think back to the time when you were dating. Then, let the pouting begin. . So the thing I hate hearing but rings true is once in the no sex zone you are not coming back in to it. Weve been married for 37 years. There's nothing wrong with the lower-libido partnerthey simply just don't want sex as often as the other person. I *must* woo my wife, always. My wife of 35 years and I have always had difficulty sexually. Well, its clearly only getting worse. . Does your wife feel seen and heard in the relationship, or is she never in the mood because she usually feels overlooked? Discuss it with her: Share this iMOM article with your wife and discuss it: 4 Things You Can Do When Youre Not in the Mood. Research shows that sexual communication was strongly associated with increased relationship satisfaction and heightened orgasm frequency in women. Accept her no lovingly, masturbate, and initiate again another day. Sometimes I just want fuck all night long but the woman I love has no interest. Im at a loss for words. Wish she would just say so. I understand completely!!!! Demanding sex is not way to go, maybe we would like to hear her opinion. I found him to be the most attractive man Ive ever met! My husband has no sex drive at all. Just feel I want to hide away as I know this is not normal . But it will quickly fade again once their needs are met. Ive just seen this ,not sure when posted .ive tried so hard to get wife to have sex .she says menopause.then I gave up.but other we I had a beer and told her how I felt .silly beer a..so she been trying to start sex but my body has closed down to her .im worried ive turned off to her mentally.I do love her but shes noticed im not getting aroused like I used too .and now shes saying I prefer porn, but its how ive got by for so long.its really .mested up.im 53sorry. Shes particularly enthusiastic about helping softhearted women get re-energized around the dating experience and find joy in the process of connecting with others. Share your feelings with your wife openly, honestly, and vulnerably without expecting it to lead to something physical. Once you've looked at yourself, talk to her and pay attention to how she's feeling. The sexual spark will return when she emerges out of it, stronger and healthier. messages where she was being flirtatious to a local musician . Do you feel my wife never initiates intimacy? It will make you horny as hell, however. Hello fingers!! has he? In this new gynocentric west, the only answer is to find non-western women or women who were not raised in the west. I get it and don't want to add to her stress. State your case to your partners. Truthfully, the solo routine is rather old. Now whats so hard about that. Our finances are so intermingled that to divorce means we cut our incomes in half facing either no sex or no home or food. She is my sister as far as Im concerned not my lover and I dont know what to do. I am a man who has been married for 48 years and to read The man must rule by demanding to get what he wants suggests a serious mental illness. Im a 68, fun, attractive, domestic woman who loves intimacy. Childbirth is a life-altering experience thats not just hard on a womans body but also her mind. Its a bummer most times. So I know him well, this is extremely painful and heartbreaking. My husband and I both have gained weight. Husband even can not touch her, let alone touch to arouse her. I hear ya. Women provide fertility, nurturing, and resourcefulness. Whatever your wife is going through that causes you to think, My wife never initiates intimacy, is probably just as worrisome to her as it is to you. But keeping an open dialogue about your mutual wants and desires can improve your sex life tremendously. I'll go out on a limb and suggest that your wife isn't sexually aroused by being treated well. Although i had told him beforehand that if it didnt change I would get it on the side. I am going to be 42 years old!! I guess. 5. I need to feel cherished, looked at and touched in a non-sexual way THEN when I feel loved and safe, I want to please my man. She says that its up to me to deal with it however I choose. (For the record, I would cook, but Im terrible at it). . He is either not attracted to you, depressed, or preoccupied. Its maddening! She saw her doctor and prescribed a lube but it irritated her. She has her own retail business, which cash flows, but has hasnt turned a profit in the last 5 years. so I started to do it. My wife of 43 years has no need for sex except very infrequently and then only quick missionary. Ive considered a fuck-buddy, but I cant do that to her. He is suffering from a mental health issue. Shame on all you women who have men that are committed and loving to you!! The guy is a magnet! I am afraid Buck is correct. That was pretty much the end of a normal sex life, He had a horrific childhood, beatings, a suicidal mother (she cut her wrists in front of her children), infidelity on both sides. and hugs when one of us leaves the house. In the meantime,, get naked and take care of your partners needs because as you can see on this strand, there are plenty of people out there who will! Most men do their deed and roll over. At least you go that far to keep your marriage happy, intake, blessed. When having sex she has to do most of the work especially when it takes him 45 minutes to get hard and all she wants to do is go to sleep because tommorow will come before she knows it or if one of the kids wakes up because they couldnt sleep or they are sick. accuse me of not loving her enough, if I had to cheat back. If your wife is avoiding sex, the emotional connect is missing, 5. After 8.5 years in my sexless marriage, I almost found the phrase Youve both gone so long without sex together funny, though it is far from that. "Feeling expected to have sex a certain way, or feeling like you need to have intercourse if you explore desire with your partner, can actually strangle a woman's libido over time.". Were just a hole for your pole . Together we have seen a number of therapists with not much luck but felt I owed it to her to try and fix things. Instead of asking yourself something along the lines of, What to do when wife wont put out? ask your partner if theyd like to experience something different in bed. Whatever it is, the impact for you is that you don't feel loved or cared about the same. A woman who feels that shes living with a man whocant regain her trust after cheating will most certainly have problems connecting with him on an emotional as well as physical level. Wtf are we supposed to do when our spouse doesnt want to make love? Yes it seems so mechanical and cut and dry the way some men are, so no sex is much more appealing. Tell her that you love her. In other cases, when the in-laws are constantly meddling the resentment may make it seem like you have an unloving wife but shes actually just frustrated at the lack of privacy, says Gopa. Especially if you once had a, One reason your wife never initiates affection may be stress related. But for women, its quite different. Add Cialis if you want solid tree trunk hardness. A lack of time and attention will naturally cause distance to creep into the marriage, which will take its toll on your sex life too. Good luck. God as our designer and maker knows what is best for us. I finally became frustrated with being turned down and just waited for her to initiate sex. After all of that, the thought of intimacy at night becomes almost like another chore, says Gopa. Frankly; its time to move on and out . Anything less is slow sewer side. I said well, (while pointing to my head) by the time you heal I will have checked out up here, I will be looking at women and wondering if they would be fun to be with. But maybe if shes willing to try your weekly sex date again, she might find that once youve aroused her, the mood sails in. I have kept fit and kept busy. If your vagina is dry, find out why. I used to ride, but geez that gets old and is still a problem because of the size and lack of hardness. You work, cook, clean, fix, dont drink or do drugs! NO! Youre doing them harm when refusing. I do not believe love will demand it as a duty but love also doesnt hand over the relationship to the destructive forces and temptations, The older I get the more confident I am He didnt see me and since that day, my attitude towards him has changed. I am partly replying and partly commenting on the many very earnest and difficult sexless relationships discussed here. When I wanted to leave, the only family I had told me theyd not support me whatsoever and just shut up grow up and deal with it and Id better do whatever it took to keep the husband. Now its Im sore there. Shes not. If your penis does not work, attempt to fix it. We dont really argue and enjoy each others company. Oh, and me driving the car, she has panic attacks and asks I dont drive. Be grateful you were able to find someone in life to love and be loved by, many of us take this for granted not realizing how many lonely people there are out there who were never as lucky as we have been. I sure want too. Take time to learn about the secrets of sex all women wish men knew, learn your way around her body and plan a special evening together. Really, I may as well just be rooming with a friend at this point in the game. You can stay in the loop about her latest programs, gatherings, and other projects through her newsletter: kellygonsalves.com/newsletter. Many seniors are in the same situation and we feel your pain. 1 use and money making business on the internet. We had enjoyed a lovely sex life, with the usual speed bumps (kids, work,etc) but we never stopped. Wooing is a life-long endeavor. For many of us who have exhausted talking to our partners, asking to have their normal needs met, to be loved and shown love and to be valued and desired but have been met with silence, stares, okay, not interested, I am not in the mood or sleeping in separate rooms, your partner has betrayed your trust and your marriage with emotional and sexual blackmail. I cant do that, divorce right away. The only relief that I get from my pain is physical pleasure. I do most of the household chores, she doesnt work outside the home, and hasnt since weve been married i constantly compliment her looks,I have been striving for decades to woo her, and sex is now completely off the table, and she wont even cuddle or kiss. Sex is extremely painful, regardless of whatever I use to try and counteract the problem. Thats not going to make you happy in the long run!!! Finally after 40yrs he tries to help and cares more now than at any point all the times before. If you put her down and belittle her confidence, you cant hide behind something like, My wife rejects me all the time, she adds. var disqus_config = function () { Again, he has no interest in sex and doesnt even like me seeing him naked say getting out of the shower, or undressing, etc.. And, he remains curled up and turned away from me in bed at night. Indifferent withholders like my wife NEVER get better and their partners either leave or become bitter! Its incredibly painful!!!! Surprise her by getting a sitter and taking her to a nice dinner. Are you in a similar place in your relationship? After having our first child, my wife wasnt thinking about sex at all. Please go find someone else to enjoy sex with if you can. But she works in a male-dominated field and loves to flirt this drives me bat shit crazy as I know I will never be there with her again. It may also be helpful for her to speak with her doctor to see if there are other treatment options that might help. I told her that I did not want that, That I only wanted her but she said she loves me but has no sexual feelings, it is slowly destroying me and I do not know what to do, she refuses to talk about it, will not spoon in bed and pulls away from any hug. Join as many groups as you can, and leave him at home. WFT. I dont clean enough, cook enough, keep on top of appointments, follow his assignments since youre retired now, you can do and I get assignments. I was reading the original story and that exactly my life. Divorce isnt either Im not ever going to hurt her. I hope to eventually meet another same sex partner willing to take her time and see what works. She is against the idea of therapy. The comment section saved me from my sexless marriage, the counselling article is just drivel to shore up business to the Psychologist. Bitter? None of us know how to read, converse or think. I enjoy sex, but I am often fatigued and have low energy. If so, it could be that the side effects of her depression, or even the medication she is on to treat it, are lowering her libido. If done with the full knowledge of both partners, and always using safe sex, this would provide another solution to their dilemma. Also, make sure you share the housework equally, including the mental load. And the source of so many sleepless nights is that person who promised to love and honor us until death dobus part and who still possess a mouth and fingers and the ability to do just that. The two C words! 16 years being married. At least your wife gives you a hand job AND wants you to Cum on her tits! "As we age, the vaginal lining becomes thinner, less elastic, and produces less moisture. If the lack of interest becomes an ongoing pattern, consider any of the above potential reasons. Would you like to see more questions and answers? That lie: its not important, only if you want it. Im 77 and if I felt my husband was dissatisfied with our sexless, but not loveless, marriage, Id choose to be single. So maybe try treating he how you did when first met. I have been dedicated for 43 years but I also realize you need and one thing before you canOnto the other. Even worse, because Im larger than average, she can no longer handle my penis even if she wanted to. You begin to see the problem. Id be saying goodbye! It is not the loss of testicles as much as the loss of the prostate gland. I understand that kids, work, and home projects can weaken your romantic side over time, but it doesnt have to be that way. Not so in an egalitarian or woman-dominated marriage where she gets what she wants that always ends in dysfunction & misery. It is a great resource for relationship help. And now we are old and the chance of my wife changing are now nil. Be explicit about your needs and expectations. I am 64 and met a 75 widower for 13 years whom exercises, takes a natural supplement to help with blood flow, and takes occasional viagra.