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Tweet, call, or send letters to these companies to ask them to switch to more durable, recyclable, compostable, renewable, and/or recycled-content packaging with less fossil fuelderived plastic. Our plastic addiction is having a devastating impact on our oceans, our wildlife, and our health. Most plastic straws are made from harsh chemicals making them impossible to reuse or recycle. Speak out in support of local plastic bans, whether by calling your local government representative, submitting an op-ed to your citys newspaper, or simply starting conversations with neighbors. (Source: Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment), Stanford scientists are among a growing number of researchers harnessing artificial intelligence techniques to bring more realistic representations of ubiquitous atmospheric ripples into global climate models. We need to make fully biodegradable polymers that are cost-competitive. Author: Interestingly, these granules contain the seeds of their own destruction: enzymes that break the polymer down when it is needed for food. Have some dirty clothes that you just wore today? Consumer outrage about the plastics crisis is already commanding attention from big companies and from many governments. While these countries and municipalities have been making strides in their part of reducing circulation of plastic bags, in total there are 195 countries in the world [19] and the issue of plastic pollution is still getting out of our hands. Some opposers of the plastic straw ban say that a ban is unlikely to actually help the environment, as plastic straws do not make up a large percentage of plastic in the ocean. Do you wonder why? Ask if they have nonplastic alternatives to plastic straws, stirrers, or bags. Oil and natural gas are non-renewable fossil fuel-based resources and through their extraction and production, they emit greenhouse gases, which contribute to global climate change. Beached whales have been found with stomachs full of plastic trash. Paper straws cost on average around 2.5 cents ($0.025), whereas plastic straws cost only half a cent ($0.005). Plastic Straws: Is Paper Really Better for the Environment?Continue. Large producers of single-use plastics can make a big environmental impact. Plastic straws have an especially high propensity to end up in our rivers after being thrown away. You probably already saw the video, but if you didnt, you can watch it below (WARNING: Graphic Content): Supporters of plastic straw bans claim that the ban will help reduce our use of single-use plastics. These microscopic plastic fragments, no more than 5 millimeters long, are hard to detectand are just about everywhere. Instead it ends up in landfills or in the environment. New research shows their prolific dam building benefits river water quality so much, it outweighs the damaging influence of climate-driven droughts. McDonald's recently announced . When the monsoon rains start, streets get waterlogged just after the first few minutes because the water cannot pass through clogged sewerage pipes. Increased awareness about the negative effects of single-use plastics would help the environment a lot more than just a simple plastic straw ban. Then, you should try to explain your reasons for not wanting your products packed in plastic bags. CRAIG CRIDDLE: In addition to recycling more and reusing materials more, we need new materials that can do the same jobs as current plastics, but are biodegradable, nontoxic and do not concentrate in food chains. Our reliance on these plastics means we are accumulating waste at a staggering rate. Will Shifting to Reusable Straws Really Make a Difference? The subtropical gyres of the North Pacific Ocean are also documented to contain the highest concentrations of plastic. In Ireland, where this fee was instituted in 2002, plastic bag usage decreased by about 90 percent. Plastic bags floating in the ocean resemble jellyfish, one of the main sources of food for some species of sea turtles, especially the critically-endangered Leatherback turtles. But you should also consider the other perspective what effect single-use bags have had on the local economy and product affordability. Buy in bulk. Our goal is to inspire people to change their attitudes and behaviors toward a more sustainable life. As communities act to ban single-use plastics and individual consumers raise concerns, bigger actors pay attention. Each day, the United States of America uses 500 million drinking straws. If youd like to learn more about how plastic straws negatively impact the environment, you can check out this article I wrote about the environmental impact of plastic straws. Why? Litter can be the first stage in a waste stream that enters waterways as plastics tossed on the street are washed away by rain or travel via storm drains into rivers and streams. Plastic bag bansideally accompanied by a fee on paper bagsare also catching on. Coca-Cola has said that it alone produces three million tons of plastic packaging each year, equivalent to a terrifying 200,000 plastic bottles per minute. LEAPE:Microplastics pervade the oceans. According to estimates made by scientists, there are 7.5 million polluting straws around the shores of the United States, and anywhere from 437 million to 8.3 billion plastic straws throughout the coastlines of the rest of the globe. Plastic straws are not the first iteration of straws. Additionally, plastics in our digestive tract may affect absorption of some important trace elements (like iron) which we need for maintaining proper health [13]. ), then its clean! As a result, they are thrown away and frequently wind up in the ocean, where they pollute the water and eventually kill marine birds, animals, and fish. Leape has long been a leader in ocean conservation efforts. What about you? Instead of investing in quality goods that will last, we often prioritize convenience over durability and consideration of long-term impacts. Communities and consumers can play vital roles in sparking action. Juan Cristobal Cobo/Bloomberg via Getty Images. Straws are said to be one of the top 10 objects recovered during beach clean-ups by the Ocean Conservancy. There are numerous reasons why PLA straws are not the right substitute for plastic straws . Plastic, in general, is one of the biggest pollutants in the world. Reusable shopping bags are very durable and can be reused many times over the course of their useful life. Actress Nina Nelson and other celebrities made a video claiming that plastic. And they help shift consumer mind-sets, as people begin to recognize that exorbitant and avoidable waste is not sustainable. In early January 2020, China joined the growing movement of more than 120 countries pledging to ban single-use plastics.The country of 1.4 billion citizens is the No. To make matters worse, if plastic straws get into the ocean, they can be mistaken for food by marine animals. A brief history of how plastic straws took over the world - Environment 10 reasons why plastic straws should be banned That's a whole 900 tons of plastic waste produced every day, and that's just for plastic straws! Plastic pollution is one of the biggest problems facing our world today. Over time, sun and heat slowly turn plastics into smaller and smaller pieces until they eventually become what are known as microplastics. We are a couple of environmentalists who seek inspiration for life in simple values based on our love for nature. 8 good reasons to give up plastic straws - CareElite The truth is that we do not know yet the full scale of negative impacts plastic waste can have on marine and terrestrial environments because it hasnt been around long enough to allow us to assess possible scenarios of its influence on natural cycles. LEAPE:There are two clear imperatives. For example, millions of discarded plastic bags clog water drainage channels and sewers in urban areas of Bangladesh. Is the Tide Turning on Our Plastic Addiction? 10 reasons why plastic straws should be banned - As plastic bags tend to get caught in recycling machinery, most recycling facilities do not have the capacity to recycle plastic bags and therefore do not accept them. For example, in Botswana, the consumption of plastic bags dropped by 50 percent after the introduction of the tax in 2007. Due to its chemistry, nothing in nature can make plastic biodegrade. Avoid individually packaged goods, like snack packs. Plastic bags and plastic products overall contain substances that are harmful to our health. The problem with plastic straws is that they are one of the biggest causes of unnecessary plastic pollution. 10 Reasons Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned | IUCN Water The first is to invest in better waste collection in the handful of countries that account for most of the plastic flowing into the ocean. 1. Banning plastic straws is also increasingly popular. For the oceans sake, wed better hope so. According to the researchers, the turtle likely mistook the straw for food and swallowed it. Coca-Cola makes an estimated 110 billion plastic bottles a year. This form of ban could lead to a reduction in landfill across the country, going a long way to protect the nature and serenity of the area. Since their birth, baby turtles have only one goal to get to the sea and swim into deep waters where they will feed and if successful grow into adult turtles. (Source: Water in the West), Analysis reveals how restoring relatively narrow forest buffers could substantially improve regional water quality and carbon storage in Costa Rica and elsewhere. Companies are forced to innovate, rethinking their designs and sourcing sustainable materials. We dont know how it will in the long term affect plankton-feeding species and their predators. One recent survey found plastics in 94 percent of tap water samples in the U.S. and in nearly every brand of bottled water. However, in 2014, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) supported the first project to calculate the real cost of plastic, including adverse environmental impacts of its production, use and disposal. Rating: 5 (913 reviews) Highest rating: 5. The Natural Resources Defense Council works to safeguard the earth - its people, Overall, the main reason for a plastic straw ban is to help the environment by preventing plastic straws pollution. Ill talk about this more in the next section: By itself, a plastic straw ban is unlikely to have a large impact on the environment. The reason to worry is that scientists do not know how our metabolism and immunity will react to the increased concentration of plastic particles in our system. Your email address will not be published. FNB News - Choose the right straw | FNB News Plastic straws are one of the most common forms of pollution found on beaches and in oceans all over the world. Don't Ban Straws - Other country that has decided to enforce the country-wide plastic bag ban after suffering of negative consequences was Mauritania. According to the findings of a study that was carried out in 2019 by students at the University of Washington, 78 percent of respondents used straws made of biodegradable materials that are in compliance with the prohibition, and 68 percent used utensils that are in compliance with the ban. Or you may need to accept that plastic bag this time and then start campaigning for a plastic bag ban in your area . But, are paper straws really better for the environment? A 2018 study of coral reefs in the Asia-Pacific has confirmed that plastic waste deposited on coral reefs promotes outbreaks of diseases that gradually destroy whole reef colonies [12]. One of the most significant negative effects that plastic bags have on the natural world is that it takes a very long time for them to degrade.In addition, the breakdown of plastic bags in the sun results in the release of hazardous compounds into the surrounding soil, and the combustion of plastic bags results in the release of a poisonous material into the surrounding air, contributing to the problem of ambient air pollution. About; Disability Vote Blog; Organizer's Forum; Issues; News; NDLA Webinars 23 Reasons Why we should ban Plastic Bags | Environment Buddy