The film has a web-site, and there is a long article in Salon explaining that the whole thing is really the production of a cult based in the Pacific Northwest that believes that a woman named JZ Knight is able to channel a 35,000 year old mystic named Ramtha. (stylized as What t #$*! That's not the case. Some credible researchers appear, including neurologist Andrew Newberg and physicist David Albert (Albert has since disassociated himself from the film, saying his views were misrepresented). Check out this great listen on During the resulting chat, two men carrying a wooden door passed between the stranger and the subjects. Update: More information at the end of the video description.Comment approval now removed. What the Bleep Do We Know? DVD (2005) Marlee Matlin, Arntz (DIR - eBay Quantum physics doesn't need them to. It's truly amazing that you can separate two elementary particles that were originally tied together, and often make a measurement of one particle that instantly affects the other, even if it's on Alpha Centauri. In the late eighties I remember seeing Maharishi University preprints, perhaps about flipped SU(5). Dr Emoto takes photos of crystals formed in freezing water. Moreover, the movie proposes no plausible physical mechanism by which thoughts influence matter. He says he is "profoundly unsympathetic to attempts at linking quantum mechanics with consciousness".[1]. With Marlee Matlin, Elaine Hendrix, Barry Newman, Armin Shimerman. (I haven't). After a successful DVD launch in March of 2005, Fox . Having watched this travesty of a movie, any real scientist worth his quarks might be gun-shy about joining the debate. The film "What the Bleep Do We Know?!" The observer effect of quantum physics isn't about people or reality. (commonly referred to by its spoken title What the Bleep Do We Know) is a 2004 pseudoscientific film that supports the idea that consciousness and quantum mechanics are somehow related. The Bleep in a Nutshell: 1. The researchers' bottom line: Quantum physics is about matter at its most fundamental levels and matter's interactions; it's not about spirituality. What the Bleep Do We Know!? Quantum mechanics is a replacement for the phrase "anything goes." For traditional Christians, God is God not because your brain is making him up, but because he is. Though not marketed as such, those who have seen it note that it degenerates into an extended infomercial for channeler J. Unfortunately hes written no papers after 1995, see, : Directed by William Arntz, Betsy Chasse, Mark Vicente. In the documentary segments of the film, interviewees discuss the roots and meaning of Amanda's experiences. That's its claim anyway. My main objection is to the "blessed water" segment which was utter bull****, but the rest of the movie is ok and is designed to start people . The experts start "proving" that humans create their own reality by getting too attached to certain brain chemicals. A: Quantum mechanics is often quoted as the explanation for many things, because it's so weird that people latch onto it as a hope, to explain everything that they would like to believe about the universe. One of the scientists interviewed is John Hagelin who, besides being part of the TM cult surrounding Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, presidential candidate of the Natural Law Party, and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace is a rather prominent particle theorist. Adapted from "Ask the Everyday Scientist" with permission of the writer. During the Fall of the year Amanda begins to see the world in new and different ways when she begins to question her role in life, her relationships with her career and men and what it all means. What The BLEEP Do We Know!? - The A.V. Club Joe Dispenza unless you renew or Wertheim continues that the film "abandons itself entirely to the ecstasies of quantum mysticism, finding in this aleatory description of nature the key to spiritual transformation. As the layers to her everyday experiences fall away insertions in the story with scientists, and philosophers and religious leaders . 2. Some movies are so bad, they're funny. It took a while, but the comparison finally came through on the association of strings, as a quantum mechanical perspective, and the relationship to that movie. Once anything goes, you can have anything you want. What the #$*! But I start to choke on my $8 popcorn when science is manipulated to make a cult leader's claims sound more plausible. Featuring interviews with scientists and theologians, this compelling film thrusts the viewer into a world where science and spirituality intersect. But whenever one is dealing with highly speculative ideas that have no connection with experiment, theres a danger of becoming delusional and thinking that youre doing real science when youre not. This has led to accusations, both formal and informal, directed towards the film's proponents, of spamming online message boards and forums with many thinly veiled promotional posts. As he told ABC's "This Week" the day after the debate: "When it . To date, there has been no response as to where the information which lead to the story about the indians not being able to see the ships of Columbus originated from. "[20], Journalist John Gorenfeld, writing in Salon, notes that the film's three directors are students of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, which he says has been described as a cult. People tend to believe that the fact that a certain kind of research is pursued by sizable numbers of people with very good credentials is enough to mean it must be good research. He even called in to a radio program the director was on to discuss this and was cut off. My FIL is a ex-Air force Pilot. Several books have been written about the film's remarkable grassroots marketing campaign, which led to its unprecedented success. You might think that meant there were 18% fewer violent crimes than in the previous year, but the decrease was actually relative to his predicted increase based on some fancy statistical footwork. What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole (2006) - IMDb If I didnt know any better, I would have thought it was something straight out of a Cheech and Chong movie. Even followers of spiritual traditions that believe in worldly illusion will have problems with "Bleep." We'd like to be able to influence things just by thinking about them, we'd like to transport ourselves elsewhere without getting on an airplane. For many years in the early-mid-eighties, the Maharishi was pushing N=8 supergravity as the unified field theory, I remember a colorful poster explaining how it agreed exactly with his philosophy that many people posted on their walls. what the bleep do we know watch online free, what the bleep do we know trailer, what the bleep do we know movie, what the bleep do we know debunked, what the bleep do . yeago works Blog Archive Jesus, Buddha, Ken Wilber?? At the end of this article, Dr Simons invites readers to explore the limitations of their own brains. In fact, "you are God in the making," which explains why Shirley MacLaine is a Ramtha fan. In the last of a series of columns written for Scientific American, Krauss says "no area of physics stimulates more nonsense in the public arena than quantum mechanics." But when the ramblings about quantum physics start merging with fridge magnet philosophy, it's time for a little reality checking. And you'd do the study without knowing what had been 'said' to the water specimens, so your subjective opinions wouldn't colour the results. They want suggestions, not formulas. It presents itself as the thinking rebel's alternative to Hollywood pabulum: a heady stew of drama and documentary, starring Oscar-winning actress Marlee Matlin as a Xanax-addled photographer who. : Down the Rabbit Hole: Directed by William Arntz, Betsy Chasse, Mark Vicente. "[10], What the Bleep Do We Know!? If it were manifest, you could run at a wall a lot of times, and every now and then you'd spontaneously appear on the other side of the wall. What are some of the ocean conspiracy theories that you actually That's one of the very strange properties of quantum mechanics. WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW?! - American Chemical Society Seven Times Planet TV Studios Went Way Too Far: Website YouTube Channel Facebook Twitter Instagram Planet TV Studios LHTV LLC There was some sort of plot involving a woman photographer (played by Marlee Matlin), who wanders around and has anxiety attacks. So what constitutes quantum quackery? I started out thinking that BLEEP 2 would be a ground-breaking update covering ideas and discoveries in quantum physics, brain neurology and consciousness studies introduced over a decade ago. Doesn't the quantum world pervade everything that we see around us? When you hear the term "quantum consciousness," you should be suspicious. And any Cognitive Behavioural Therapist can help us to change the way we see things by changing our thought patterns. Q: You do see that in some science-fiction shows for example, last season on "Fringe." It was one of the most important moments in history. "What the Bleep" begins in NOVA-like fashion: galaxies swirl and scientists--we aren't told who they are until the end--expound on quantum mechanics and the nature of the universe. Hard to get your head around What the Bleep Do We Know. Remembering The Isheagu Massacre Of May 1968 - Politics - Nigeria We'll never know. While many of its interviewees and subjects are professional scientists in the fields of physics, chemistry, and biology, one of them has noted that the film quotes him out of context. Down The Rabbit Hole\". One has already been recognized: If we do carefully prepare quantum systems, and keep them isolated, we can perform quantum magic technologically potentially on scales that we haven't been able to do before. What was new? All those things can be attributed to quantum mechanics first of all, because it's so poorly understood by the public, and especially because it's so verifiably weird. What the Bleep Do We Know!? | Movies | The Guardian "Your mind can't tell the difference between what it sees and what it remembers" Dr Joseph Dispenza (Chiropractor ) in What the Bleep Do We Know? Particles embracing all possible states until they are forced by an experiment to assume one state, one particle being in two adjacent places simultaneously, the inability to precisely measure a particle's position and momentum at the same time - these are just a few of the weird manifestations of quantum physics. We are connected to the world by many things: by light and sound and heat. Therefore people get the notion that there's no objective reality, and that you can literally impact on the external world just by doing things internally. The question is, how far down the rabbit hole, do you wanna go? ?Discovering the Endless Possibilities of Your Everyday Reality. But is reality really in the eye of the quantum observer? "I create my own reality, says quantum physics," intones one expert, and the viewer could be lured to accept this as proof. It was the biggest bunch of garbage that I had ever seen. Hope you dont mind me butting in, just thought you might like to see these facts which are so far undisputed about the film. Perhaps that is why they couldnt see them. You can begin to be skeptical that the speaker is somehow trying to use quantum mechanics to argue fundamentally that you can change the world by thinking about it. Use these social-bookmarking links to share What the bleep are they on about?. What the Bleep Do We (K)now!? Online Trivia | W | 10 Questions His list of "worst abusers" includes inspirational author Deepak Chopra, the best-selling book "The Secret" and the whole field of Transcendental Meditation. Use this form to email 'What the bleep are they on about?' The flip side of that is that you can use quantum mechanics, again in specially prepared systems, to communicate in a way that will allow us to know when someone is eavesdropping. But she is right about us not seeing things in front of our eyes if we're not looking for them. 1. This website uses cookies to But the movie gradually moves to quantum 'insights' that lead a woman to toss away her antidepressant medication, to the quantum channeling of Ramtha, the 35,000-year-old Lemurian warrior, and on to even greater nonsense." Film / What the #$*! What the Bleep Do We Know!? - Rotten Tomatoes William Arntz has referred to the film as "WTFDWK" in a message to the film's street team. I suggest to read him if you want to know how QM is perceived in the SF community. A: Absolutely. I don't know how many times I've heard people say, "Oh, I love quantum mechanics because I'm really into meditation, or I love the spiritual benefits that it brings me." As long as a sub-atomic particle is interacting with another sub-atomic particle, they'll both exist regardless of where you are or what you're doing. Particles Popping Into & Out of Existence. By continuing to browse the site (Physicists should take part of the blame for this confusion. Do We Know!?) Initially, the film was released in only two theaters: one in Yelm, Washington (the home of the producers, which is also the home of Ramtha), and the other the Bagdad Theater in Portland, Oregon, where it was filmed. Well, people are able to undergo various transformations. [6], The Institute of Noetic Sciences, a New Age research organization that "explores phenomena that do not necessarily fit conventional scientific models", has supported What the Bleep Do We Know!? The general idea was that since quantum mechanics supposedly says that there isnt one reality, but an infinite number of possibilities, one just has to be enlightened to an awareness of this, and then you can make whatever you want happen. Human everyday life consists of many routines and necessary things that are mostly physical such as work, school, a number of chores or minor responsibilities, and hopefully sleep. "Contrary to ordinary beliefs, quantum physics is very predictive," Dr. de Gouva continues. Now I don't have an automatic prejudice against 35,000-year-old warriors from Atlantis or the women who channel them. We're always being told we don't use our brain to its full capacity. It's there. Prominent if you go by citations that is. It was an interesting idea aiming to solve the hierachy problem, as announced. Skeptic James Randi described the film as "a fantasy docudrama" and "[a] rampant example of abuse by charlatans and cults". Is that last line The fact that someone who spouts such utter nonsense can get a Ph.D. from Harvard and be one of the most widely cited authors on supersymmetric models is pretty remarkable some sort of strange attack on SUSY models? What the Bleep Do We Know!? | Bleep 2 - The Prodigal Movie Sol. I was expecting something pretty dumb, but am always interested to see what people think about quantum mechanics. As the movie did, this book compels listeners to ask themselves Gre. What the #$*! Do We Know? movie review (2004) | Roger Ebert Some argue that the same quantum processes seen in the universe around us have an effect on consciousness as well, but physicist Lawrence Krauss says that's highly debatable. Is the movie What The Bleep Do We Know? factual or mumbo jumbo - Quora Even skeptics concede that we humans can fall into destructive thought patterns and need to cleanse our vision of what's real. the film What The Bleep Do We Know It was an information that really left me speechless and I ordered his books at once 2 / 11. But above a tiny size range, quantum properties collapse, and particles start to behave in the way described by classical physics - more like bowling balls than fuzzy clouds of "wave functions. One possible answer: they go to an alternative universe where people are asking the same question: 'where'd they go?'" ft. indoor riding arena once used for horse training which was refurbished and floored . "Quantum physics calculates only possibilities Who/what chooses among these possibilities to bring the actual event of experience? Moreover, assume that they want your money. We might be able to create quantum computers, for example, that will simultaneously do many different calculations at once, because the quantum world is capable of doing many things at the same time. Quantum physics tells us that reality isn't fixed subatomic particles only come into existence when they are observed and 2. Q: But isn't everything really connected? Answer (1 of 6): Although not being as well educated in the area as Professor Wacker, I think it's overly simplistic to suggest the subjects raised in the movie to be either factual or "almost completely mumbo-jumbo". Cast. Invariably only about half the people tested ever notice a woman in a gorilla suit walking across the middle of the screen during the game. I want to mention another point Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. One other area where quantum mechanics works on a macroscopic scale is in superconductivity and superfluidity. 4000 volunteers regularly meditated to achieve a 25% drop in violent crime by the end of summer. ", "The movie is saying that somehow we can all get together and, with our collective thought processes, we can influence the outcome" of physical events - be they life experiences or scientific experiments, notes Bruce Schumm, a particle physicist at the University of California at Santa Cruz. That sounds like magic. And it certainly doesn't depend on an observer to make this happen. Isnt that a bit like attacking algebra because of Serge Langs nutty ideas about HIV and AIDS? !" is a radical departure from convention. is released on Friday. ", Critics offered mixed reviews as seen on the film review website Rotten Tomatoes, where it scored a "Rotten" 34% score with an average score of 4.6/10, based on 77 reviews. Get ABC Sciences weekly newsletter Science Updates, The 'underground astronaut' in search of ancient bones, Voyager probes still signalling from the edge of the Solar System, Solar eclipses: Everything you need to know, Five ways your smartphone could help save lives, Chinese scientists use satellite to smash quantum entanglement record, Einstein's light bending theory directly observed in distant stars for first time, Third gravitational wave detection puts new spin on black holes. Amit Goswami (PhD) in What the Bleep Do We Know?. Dr Joao Migueijo is reader in theoretical physics at Imperial College, London.What the Bleep Do We Know!? for only $16.05 $11/page. 4. Once they do bump into each other they form their regular little selves. Guess that could not have been done to easily in the Catholic church. If you want to affect something in the external world, you have to do something to it. He points out that Gallo et al anounced that AIDS is caused by HIV at a press conference, without there being a single paper published in a scientific journal substantiating this. In the movie What the Bleep Do We Know?, physicists, biologists and the occasional chiropractor tell us how quantum physics and neuroscience support their views on consciousness. Q: Some scientists, such as Sir Roger Penrose, have talked about neurons as quantum systems. Those are two places where the quantum world leaks into the classical world. From my perspective, once you had identtified Smolins position( I gave this in previous post[Posted by sol at September 25, 2004 04:18 PM] ), then you would know he holds Einsteins, in relation to the Solvay meetings, and strings have modified what Bohr and Schrodinger were doing in developing QM. That's why we experience a classical world. Staff meetings are tedious enough give me a conscious mind with a decent filter device any day. Hobbs further disputed the film's use of the ten percent of the brain myth. ISHEAGU MASSACRE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: Isheagu is a town whose origin is traceable to the Eastern part of the contraption called Nigeria. Some lost their entire life savings. Free delivery for many products. 19802023 The Christian Science Monitor. Filmed in Portland, Oregon, What the Bleep Do We Know!? In a corrupt, greed-fueled world, a powerful alchemist leads a Christ-like character and seven materialistic figures to the Holy Mountain,. Featuring two (!) 16 Quotes From the Movies ideas - Pinterest They may applaud the central tenets of the movie, but not its disjointed narrative, clunky acting, bizarre thematic segues, and faux "facts." Her experiences are offered by the filmmakers to illustrate the film's scientifically-unsupported thesis about quantum physics and consciousness. What the Bleep Do We Know!? If quantum physics baffled the late Dr. Feynman, one of its most brilliant explorers, then no one should feel embarrassed for failing to understand the subject. At some point I guess he updated it to string field theory and the version you provided a link for. How to spot quantum quackery - NBC News "What the Bleep Do We Know," a pseudoscientific docudrama that purports to link quantum mechanics and consciousness, would be a riot if people didn't take it so seriously. What The Bleep Do We Know? - Home - Facebook "If thoughts can do that to water, imagine what our thoughts can do to us" observed a fan of Dr Masaru Emoto in the movie. [18] A BBC reviewer described it as "a documentary aimed at the totally gullible". So thanks to Associate Professor Zdenka Kuncik, Professor Peter Schofield and Professor Max Coltheart for shedding some light on the Bleeping thing. "What The Bleep Do We Know? It's actually the machine that's the observer, not the human who's jotting down results. Critical Analysis of 'What The Bleep Do We Know' Part 1 And a lot of people talk about quantum consciousness that even if the everyday world we see is not a system that can be changed, our consciousness about the world can be changed. The minds boggle | Science | The Guardian Update: More information at the end of the video description.Comment approval now removed. In 1958 nasa started mapping the ocean and exploring it. 3. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. However, it contends that the empty space is not that empty, it is only the human mind that is unable to see beyond the emptiness. Quantum physics tells us that reality isn't fixed subatomic particles only come into existence when they are observed and 2. I mean listen, you have very reputable individuals who believe in validation, as experimental proof. On August 1, 2006 What the Bleep! Hagelin might be crazy, but some of those papers are co-written by John Ellis and other respectable people. Right after the Velvet Revolution in 1989 (the collapse of the Czechoslovak communism), many new spiritual and other directions were trying to find their ways to the new free countries. and published a study guide. The following persons in the film have all spoken at RSE and sold books there. : !? - We hear more and more from JZ Knight, a woman channeling the ancient warrior Ramtha, a chap who (through Knight) incidentally leads the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. He claims that in over 5 hours of interviews he explained to the film makers why their concept of how Quantum Physics works has virtually no support in the scientific community. A lot of the propaganda from them was hilarious, especially whenever candidates attempted to hold public speeches and performing demonstrations of yogic flying. Q: You do see that in some science . This message will appear once per week But are there new, weird applications that people might see that have an impact on everyday life, beyond the woo-woo? I guess the difference between me and those other people is that I actually have some grasp on the concepts that the movie was trying to talk about. Quantum mechanics, the theoretical framework of contemporary physics, is a probability algorithm. Extreme quantum mechanics could be the name of the speciality of SF writer (and physicist) Greg Egan. [7], According to Publishers Weekly, the film was one of the sleeper hits of 2004, as "word-of-mouth and strategic marketing kept it in theaters for an entire year." Heisenberg basically says you can't get a really accurate fix on both the position and the momentum of a subatomic particle say an electron at the same time. That's what makes the world so interesting. A scientist debunks the claim that water reacts to human emotions. What the Bleep Do We Know was directed and produced by Betsy Chasse, Mark Vicente and William Arntz, all of whom were students of Ramthas School of Enlightenment. So you forgive the film's jelly-baby graphics, daggy storyline, and that Gabor sister channelling a warrior spirit from Atlantis. Unfortunately, it also completely misunderstands it. Right now they use a key that's based on the products of large prime numbers, and no computer could determine the prime factors in a time shorter than the age of the universe. [1], The films co-director, Mark Vicente, would go on to co-found The Knife Media, a pro-Trump digital news outlet linked to NXIVM. Interspersed with Amanda's woes and the pseudoscience are random attacks on organized religion. 'What the Bleep Do We Know?' : An insult to science and spirituality How quantum physicists 'review' the 'Bleep' movie Short Range Tests of Newtons Inverse-Square Law. In one experiment, people who were walking across a college campus were asked by a stranger for directions. And wait-the human body is mostly water! The plot follows the fictional story of a photographer, using documentary-style interviews and computer-animated graphics, as she encounters emotional and existential obstacles in her life and begins to consider the idea that individual and group consciousness can influence the material world. Reality is happening in our brain all the time we're receiving it but it's not being integrated." It was clearly time to check the facts for myself. A disproportionate amount of time was given in voice and film to Ramtha, Dr. Joe dispenza, and Miceal Ledwith. You are free to comment as you wish. They don't go anywhere, Fred. And I came out of wanting to meditate more often, which can't be a bad thing. The movie features other proclaimed scientists who . What the Bleep!? He is also the theologian in residence of RSE. Columbus certainly didn't speak the language, and the locals didn't keep written records. But it's quite a leap to say the brain doesn't know the difference between vision and memory. "Physical reality is absolutely rock solid, yet it only comes into existence when it bumps up against another piece of physical reality like us, or a rock." And if you really want to be friendly, ask me about "The Case forPluto.". What the Bleep Do We Know draws heavily on the role of the observer in quantum physics. Krauss discussed his criteria ln our interview last week. Awash in New Age theorizing, real world science and the intellectually unfathomable notion of quantum mechanics, What the 'Bleep' Do We Know!? What Does The Movie "What The Bleep Do We Know" Mean? | Teaching of Marlee Matlin, Barry Newman, Elaine Hendrix. The Christian Science Monitor has expired. is a book of amazing science, and now the international bestselling book is available in paperback. He also has been marketing several products within the school and its followers. He announced in 1994 (one year after the study) that violent crime had decreased 18%. So what better thing to have than something that gives you everything you want?